Sunday May 12th 10.30am - 11am start, followed by Picnic and treasure hunt.
Angela and Peter Scales will be holding their annual Donkey walk, (Webster Walk) and everyone is welcome to join in on Sunday May 12th. After the death of their beloved donkey Webster in 2007, these walks were started in his memory and have been raising funds for groups, clubs or individuals who use their donkeys for therapeutic work with children and young adults. Donations to date have amounted to £20,937.
In 2019, Webster walk sponsorship funds will be donated to Island Farm Donkey Sanctuary, specifically, to phase 4 of their newly opened donkey hospital. This phase is to acquire equipment such as a sterilising unit and diagnostic equipment.
If you would like to support the Webster walk to raise donations for this project, please contact Jo Coleman at Danes House (01367 240980).
For further information please contact Angela and Peter Scales 01367240163 and see poster attached.