It is around 1/2 kilometre from the nearest house at Great Coxwell and the only impact that the event is likely to have on the village is from the noise of the paramotors as they take off and return. I have been learning to paramotor for a couple of years and you may have heard my paramotor in that field when I have been practising. > > The organisers will make sure that the competitors do not fly over the village, so there should not be any impact from that, and there will be no crowds or extra vehicle movements as it isn’t a spectator sport, but I am sure that the noise of the paramotors as they take off and land will be audible – I guess a paramotor engine noise is not dissimilar to a chainsaw over that distance. Various studies have been conducted on noise levels from Paramotors. They tested a range of engines and found them to be in the range of up to 100-120db at the pilots' heads (right next to the engine) and 85-105db at their feet. It did not study the dropoff at further distances, but use of an online calculator such as suggests that a 110db noise measured at 1m from the source will drop to 63db at 200m distance - within the realms of normal conversational volume, and even lower 56db at 500m - the approximate distance to the village. Please do come back to the Parish Council with any queries, or concerns that you would like addressed. I am sure that weather permitting we could do a take off and landing from the field so that you could assess the likely impact of the noise from the village if you were concerned about it. For full details please click here.
I am proposing to host a paramotoring event at Colleymore over four days: 25 - 28 June, which runs over a weekend. The event is the British Open Paramotoring Championship and the expectation is that around 30 competitors will take part over the weekend. The most appropriate field for the event is shown on the attached document.
It is around 1/2 kilometre from the nearest house at Great Coxwell and the only impact that the event is likely to have on the village is from the noise of the paramotors as they take off and return. I have been learning to paramotor for a couple of years and you may have heard my paramotor in that field when I have been practising. > > The organisers will make sure that the competitors do not fly over the village, so there should not be any impact from that, and there will be no crowds or extra vehicle movements as it isn’t a spectator sport, but I am sure that the noise of the paramotors as they take off and land will be audible – I guess a paramotor engine noise is not dissimilar to a chainsaw over that distance. Various studies have been conducted on noise levels from Paramotors. They tested a range of engines and found them to be in the range of up to 100-120db at the pilots' heads (right next to the engine) and 85-105db at their feet. It did not study the dropoff at further distances, but use of an online calculator such as suggests that a 110db noise measured at 1m from the source will drop to 63db at 200m distance - within the realms of normal conversational volume, and even lower 56db at 500m - the approximate distance to the village. Please do come back to the Parish Council with any queries, or concerns that you would like addressed. I am sure that weather permitting we could do a take off and landing from the field so that you could assess the likely impact of the noise from the village if you were concerned about it. For full details please click here.
June 11th 3pm - Street Tea Party to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday 3pm. See our Street Party page.
June 12th 7.30pm - Live at the Tithe SHOW OF HANDS concert at the Great Barn Tickets are selling fast so get yours before they all sell out from either Annabelle Zinovieff, Pam Smith or Pauline Durham. Tickets are £2.50 for an adult or £6 for a family. All the village is welcome, as are friends and family of anyone living or anyone who has lived in the village. If the weather is fine we will be laying a row of tables along the street outside the red phone box/Reading Room. We will have bunting flying above the tables and a delicious tea of cakes and sandwiches. Children can join in the fancy dress on a royal theme - as princes or princesses. If it is raining we will be in the Great Barn. We really hope you will all come and join us for this special celebration in the village.
Thank you to all those who helped during artweeks. It is one of the special events in the village and is only possible because of us pulling together and helping. Pam and all the helpers in the Reading Room Cafe did amazing well this year. The Cafe looked beautiful; thank you to Bar for arranging jugs of lovely flowers on every table. The food was delicious thanks to almost everyone in the village for baking, cooking or donating ingredients, and thanks to all those serving in the Cafe. We will advise you of the total sum raised shortly. It will go towards organising the Queen's Street Party. The Plant sale was brilliant again - thank you to Sylvia and Jane for growing all the plants and being there in the sub-zero temperatures of the church porch selling them. Lastly thank you to Mike and Cathy who open up their barns and courtyard for the artists to use . It is a wonderful space and they look after the artists so well. And to all the artists - I hope we will all be here next year.
I’m getting in touch to let you know about 3 EU Referendum debates which will be taking place in the constituency over the next few weeks. The first one takes place at Didcot Civic Hall tomorrow, Friday 27th May at 7pm. If you can’t make it along tomorrow there will be future debates in Faringdon and Wantage: · Faringdon - Friday 3rd June, 7pm at The Corn Exchange; Wantage - Friday 17th June, 7pm at The Beacon. If you're undecided, or want to learn more, I’d encourage you to come along. Yours, Ed Vaizey MP.
There will be a debate about the forthcoming referendum at the Corn Exchange, Faringdon, on Friday 3 June at 7pm. It has been organised jointly by Faringdon Chamber of Commerce and Faringdon Peace Group. For details of the panel members, please click here.
May 14-15 and 21-22 - Artweeks in the village - hope to see you there
May 15 and 22 - Concerts at Stonevale during artweeks at 4pm June 11th - Street Tea Party to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday 3pm. See our 'street party' page for more information June 12th 7.30pm - Live at the Tithe SHOW OF HANDS concert at the Great Barn On the Siberia side of the church, on the footpath. Single key. tell us if it is yours.
On site: 26th May to 3rd June, Filming 31stMay and 1st June.
Timing is to be restricted to avoid impact on bats before dawn or after dusk and on local residents. 07.30 – 19.30 on preparation and strike days, 08.00 – 22.00 film time limits on filming days. There will only be two actual filming days, the rest will be preparation and ‘strike’, clearing away. There will be security on site during the night and on Sunday 29th May, when there will be no activity. During all activity there will be a National Trust Project Conservator on site and a member of National Trust staff on call. The right of way will not be affected, although we will give further warning of an event taking place at the barn on these dates. We have two very exciting concerts coming up, as part of the Great Coxwell Artweeks. Many of you have been waiting for Manus to perform here at Stonevale, and it is very exciting that he is coming in partnership with the cellist, Jehanne Bastoni. The young pianists in the second concert need no introduction either, and they have played in our Artweeks before. For those of you who came last year, I am sure you will remember the wonderful talent that will be on display again.
For more information please click here |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |