Alternatively, go straight to the Bulletins page using this link:
Any feedback gratefully received to: [email protected].
Great Coxwell Village Website |
The two Feasibility Reports and Summary for the Community Energy Project are now available to view and download on the Greener Great Coxwell Website, please go to : and choose 'Bulletins' from the menu.
Alternatively, go straight to the Bulletins page using this link: Any feedback gratefully received to: [email protected]. Although we have no services at our church over the Christmas period, the church will be open every day. As in other years, we have very generously been donated a Christmas tree which will be lit every day until 12th night.
We hope you will go into the church to say a prayer, spend a few quiet minutes in its atmosphere or simply to see the tree. There will be services on Christmas Day at Coleshill and Eaton Hastings as advertised in the Badbury Parish News and in the church porch. Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas. Latest films can be found here: Jan 4th 12:30 - Mrs Harris goes to Paris Jan 27th 19:00 - Ticket to Paradise Our screenings show in the Corn Exchange and tickets must be bought in advance from Faringdon Information Centre, 5 Market Place. We have increased our seating capacity to 125. The Story so far….
The tradition of the Christmas Crib in the Barn at Great Coxwell goes back to the year 2000. It was inaugurated by a group of villagers led by Geoff Lee (formerly of Stonelea), whose idea it was to have a collection at the end of the service for St Giles’ Church and The Batemans Trust (a local charity which supports disadvantaged children in South India). The nativity/crib scene will be in place at the Barn from Saturday afternoon 10th December 2022. As with all great traditions, the Great Coxwell Christmas Nativity Scene and Christmas Eve Carol Service has developed over the years and now includes a Christmas Eve Procession through the village with Mary, Joseph and a donkey! This gives us a chance to remember Emma Watters (formerly of Warenne House), who played a part in this later addition to the tradition. In 2021 we introduced the opportunity to buy and share Christmas drinks from Danes Cottage (“Danes Inn”) raising money for the village Community Fund; Ainslie and Dan look forward to welcoming guests to the Inn this year after the Carol Service. This year volunteers from the ‘Longcot Ringers’ will be jingling their Bells to Christmas and Carol tunes outside the Barn for those who are unable to walk along with the procession. Timings The Procession and Carol Service are on 24th December 2022, Christmas Eve: 5.15 Bell Ringer outside the Barn (for those unable to walk with the procession) 5.20pm Procession gathers at the southern end (bottom) of the village outside Foxley (pink cottage). 5.30pm Procession starts. 6.00pm (or earlier; Service will commence on arrival of the procession) Carol Service in Great Barn (cash donations to the charity collection will be gratefully received). 6.50pm Danes Inn Christmas Drinks (outside). Please bring cash (proceeds to the Community Fund). **Advanced Notice. Road Closure** The VOWH has granted a road closure on Christmas Eve 24 December 20022 from 5.15pm to 6pm. Holloway Road will be closed from the Barn to Spicers Cottage to provide protection to the Christmas Eve Village Procession. Annabelle’s Nursery has offered their car park for vehicles during the road closure. Access to the village can be made on foot using the public footpaths/pavements. Keeping everyone safe There will be marshals with torches to guide us and first aiders on hand. Please:
Our sincere thanks goes out to: All of our village Christmas volunteers; St Giles Church; the National Trust for hosting; Kiera and Muffin the Donkey, The Longcot Ringers; and to O&O Electrics for overseeing the electrical safety. St Giles Church Service
On Sunday, 11th, at 10.30 am, we will be welcoming the Revd Chris Etherton, a retired priest who lives in Faringdon, to take our Holy Communion service and preach. As this is the last service in our church before Christmas, we shall be singing carols instead of hymns. There will be coffee and cake in the Vicarage afterwards. We hope as many people as possible will come to welcome Chris. Evening of Music and Bubbles The members of the PCC would like to add their thanks to all those who worked so hard to make this evening so successful, to Pam, Pauline and Mandy for their superb organisation and to Lynette and all the other musicians who gave us such a wonderful concert - not forgetting the chefs of the lovely canapés that just seemed to keep coming and coming!! The amount raised will be very gratefully received. It is planned to put it towards a roof repair fund, as the south side of the nave in particular is going to be in need of serious restoration before much longer. Thanks to everyone again. Pat Churchwarden on behalf of the members of the PCC A parcel for Mr Aditi Satija has been misdelivered, if you know of the recipient can you let Sally Tipple know please.
Thanks We would just like to Thank everyone who attended our Fundraiser for the Church on the 7th October in our Beautiful Church followed by Canapes & Fizz in the Reading Room afterwards.
A total of £503.78 was raised for the Church. Special Thanks to our talented Musicians in the Village, Lynette, Katherine, Oliver, Russ, Anna, Joanna, Glyn & Nick. You all entertained us with such a professional standard of delightful & varied music. The Church looked beautiful and we thank Mandy and her team for making it look so welcoming with all the hedgerow flowers & greenery along with the lights both inside and out. Thanks also to Melissa who helped with the canapes and our able Barmen Robbie & Mike. Thank you again to everyone who helped us make it such a splendid evening for our Village. A True Community Event. Pam & Pauline The Community Fund supported this event by contributing to some of its cost. If you or anyone you know would like to organize an event the Community Fund can help fund it. It could be anything: a sporting club, a film night or a celebration. We are here as a group to enable fun things to happen in our Village. If you have children who would like to start a group we would be happy to help fund its start up. If you need our help contact one of our members. Sylvia Athawes, Pauline Durham, Steve McNally, Pam Smith, Annabelle Zinovieff. There will ne no leaflet delivered this year about changes to your waste collections over the Christmas and New Year period so please make a note of the details found in this document.
In summary: Monday 26th Dec will be collected Wednesday 28th Dec Monday 2nd Jan will be collected Wednesday 4th Jan Monday 9th Jan will be collected Tuesday 10th Jan Also: Please remember that we suspend garden waste collections over the holiday period to concentrate on Christmas waste collections. Collections resume in January 2023. For more information, please see our garden waste page on our website. Find out more about recycling tips and waste collections over Christmas and New Year on our website We will post information about any disruption to waste collection services on our websites and social media sites. Our call centre is open for queries from 9am – 3.30pm on 23 December, 9am - 5pm on 28, 29 and 30 December on 03000 610610. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
Great Coxwell Oxfordshire United Kingdom SN7 7NG To subscribe to the Great Coxwell Village Newsletter click here. |