December 8th - Great Coxwell WI meeting.
November 28th - Churches Together in Faringdon Christmas Crafts and Christmas Lights turned on in Faringdon.
December 8th - Great Coxwell WI meeting.
Sat 21st November 2015
Christmas Gifts, Jewellery, Puzzles, Raffle 10 am – 12.30 at Foxley All Welcome including children There are new proposals for the road layout for the Coxwell Road/A420 junction. Contact us if you would like to and the parish council will include your comments in our response to the Vale Planning Department.
Please see our planning applications page for the links to this application. We hope you will be able to come to our next WI meeting on Tuesday 8th December at 7 30 pm. Dave Maycock will be demonstrating brass rubbing and we will be able to try it for ourselves.
Also there will be mince pies and mulled wine to help us concentrate. Wednesday 2nd December – A Merry Christmas Miracle (15)
Boyd Mitchler and his family must spend Christmas with his estranged family of misfits. Upon realising that he left all his son's gifts at home, he hits the road with his dad in an attempt to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise. Starring the late Robin Williams. Matinee Club @ The Regent Cinema, The Corn Exchange, Faringdon. Doors open 12.30pm, film starts 1pm. £4 Single Entry. £24 Annual membership (min. 12 films). Free tea and coffee. For more information and tickets please contact Faringdon Community and Tourist Information Centre on 01367 242191, email [email protected] or visit Friday 18th December - ARTHUR CHRISTMAS (U) Santa's clumsy son Arthur gets put on a mission with St. Nick's father to give out a present they misplaced to a young girl in less than 2 hours. Stars: James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent, Bill Nighy. Faringdon's Christmas Cinema also includes a screening of 'Faringdon Youth Rotary Promo' by 16 year old William Clarke, a special performance by Bell Canto, and a visit from a rather jolly, bearded gentleman! Blockbuster Nights @ The Regent Cinema, The Corn Exchange, Faringdon. Doors open 7pm, film starts 7.30pm. £4 Adult. £3 Under 18s. £10 Family ticket. For more information and tickets please contact Faringdon Community and Tourist Information Centre on 01367 242191, email [email protected] or visit November 14th and 15th - Christmas Artweeks Fair 11am - 5pm in the Reading Room, Great Coxwell and at Coleshill 12 - 5pm.
November 21st - St Giles Coffee Morning 10 - 12.30am at Foxley. November 28th - Churches Together in Faringdon Christmas Crafts and Christmas Lights turned on in Faringdon. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. 14th & 15th November 2015 In the Reading Room, Great Coxwell.
A small but perfectly formed array of beautiful things for sale including, amongst other delights, original artwork, Christmas food, woodturning, Uffington Pottery, Handmade Books and Town & Green Jewellery, Sarah Lock's hand cream, Christmas decorations and wreaths. Great Coxwell Teas at the Reading Room - now famous for its fabulous cakes - will be offering light lunch, teas, coffees, & cakes both days Come and say hello & do tell your friends. Look forward to seeing you - All money raised is for the village park, church and Reading Room. A number of stretches of the pavement have become very narrow due to vegetation growing over the pavements. Please keep pavements outside your property clear. Thank you to those who recently cleared outside the Reading Room. It looks great.
Does anyone have a flip chart the Parish Council can borrow for a month or so?
Parish Council meetings will now start at 7.30pm at the usual date of the second Monday in the month.
Next meeting on Monday 14th December, 7.30pm in the Reading Room, Great Coxwell. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |