I have just had to "put pen to paper" metaphorically, so say a big "thank you" to Jo, Pauline and all those who had helped put on the village Christmas Fayre! Yesterday, Mike and I came back from a peaceful and friendly Holy Communion Benefice Service at Eaton Hastings and walked down to the Reading Room and our feeling of well being continued as we walked into the Reading Room where we were absolutely bowled over by the transformation that had taken place there.
The atmosphere was so warm and friendly - the displays, the colours and the goodies for sale were perfect and so enticing! It was lovely to hear folk's laughter and chatter! We walked round two or three times absorbing the sights, stopping at each display - we did managed a glass - Mike bubbly Elderflower and I "just" managed a glass of Prosecco! The raffle was essential to try our "luck" on and we looked at the furniture which was so tempting that we came home with a small table - thank you! The occasion was perfect and I'm sorry for anyone who missed it! I'll end by saying once more - THANK YOU!! Judy Heathcoat, Jemima, Puddleduck Lane Thanks for this Judy - I have also added some of the photos taken at the event kindly shared by people on the village WhatsApp, if anyone else has photos they'd be happy to share please let me know by email to [email protected] Everyone is working hard behind the scenes to bring you The Great Coxwell Grand Christmas Event.
We'll be throwing open the Reading Room doors at 11am this Sunday and we're really looking forward to welcoming you to this new village event. This Saturday 19th Nov 10am - 3pm.
Free Entry and refreshments available. 24 independent authors and poets will be ready and waiting to say hello and show you what they do. There will be something for all the family to look at and enjoy. We shall also be announcing the winners of the Faringdon Writers short story competition at 2pm. So please come along and applaud everyone's achievements. Some of the entries will be on display for you to read. Thank you for your support of Jane's event for St Giles. Here is the list of prize winners:
Hamper No 1 White 483 " 2 White 399 " 3 White 425 " 4 Pink 685 Celebration cake Pink 622 Wine White 476 Shortbread White 347 All winners have now been notified. The total raised is £458.10, which will be a great help towards our winter gas and electricity bills. Thank you. Left-over from recent building work:
Any takers? Please contact Russ@Stonevale on 07968-277059 (text or voicemail) The annual Christmas eve procession and service at the Great Barn will proceed as normal this year.
If you would like to get involved please message Mat on 07824 324493 All volunteers are really welcome to help make this very special event happen. We need help with setting up the nativity, marshalling on the night as well as various other jobs. Thank you! From the GC Christmas Eve committee. The Act of Remembrance will take place at the War Memorial tomorrow at 12 noon as usual.
For those new to the village, this is because our vicar has to take a service in each of the four parishes in the benefice on this day. Details of services are always displayed in the church porch, at the entrance to the churchyard and in the box in front of the Reading Room, as well as in the Parish Newsletter. A new service sheet, detailing services over the Christmas period and up to the end of February, is now available in the church and in the usual places. Please go in an collect one. Pat Cook, Churchwarden Renovation work in the churchyard
From the 4th November, for about 5 weeks, a contractor from the Vale will be repairing the collapsed wall between the churchyard and the Gould's garden. There will be a 'welfare unit' positioned in the church car park which will drastically reduce the space. They have promised to leave room for anyone to turn in Biddy and John's gateway. The churchyard is going to look a mess whilst the works are going on, but it is only for a small period of time. The Vale have promised that all will be cleared and tidied and left in decent order at the end of the works. The stake and rail fence will also be permanently removed once the works have completed, so I'm afraid all jokes about tethering horses will no longer apply!! It will be so good to get the work done at last - it has taken more than 5 years! On behalf of Brenda Haskins @ 5 The laurels .
She has one very large Halloween Pumpkin for anyone, who wishes to collect it from her front lawn . |
December 2024
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |