There will be tea/coffee and cake in the Vicarage afterwards, to which all are invited.
We hope to see a good number of you there to celebrate this historic occasion.
Great Coxwell Village Website |
On Friday (3rd) at 11 am there will be a brief ceremony in the Contemplation Garden when Revd Maureen will dedicate the cherry tree which was planted in March to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. We hope that as many of the village as possible will join us to mark this special occasion. Some new benches which have been given in memory of loved ones will be dedicated too.
There will be tea/coffee and cake in the Vicarage afterwards, to which all are invited. We hope to see a good number of you there to celebrate this historic occasion. Here's a final reminder for the details for Saturday, also if you need to park at the barn please use the field opposite, there will be signs to it.
I would like to say a big thank you to all the people who supported Art Weeks, this is the main Fundraising Event for the Village and it was good to have it back.
A massive thank you to those who worked in the Café and also to those people who provided food, cakes and gave donations to buy food. With all of your help this meant we kept our expenses down to under £100. This resulted in a net profit of £2425.25 which has been paid into the Community Fund. Best Wishes Pam Many thanks for those of you who have replied to the survey. We now have over 30 responses but our consultants need more! Can we ask anyone who can to please complete the energy survey at we need Energy use figures to model demand. Apologies if you have already replied. Completing the questionnaire implies no commitment and the information will be strictly confidential to the energy team and the consultants. We are arranging for a fact-finding visit by the Consultants there will be a chance for anyone available to meet with them. We will let you know the details. If you are not already signed up for our Community Energy Bulletin, you are still welcome to complete the survey and you might like to go to the website: to sign up or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you Greener Great Coxwell mail: [email protected] Greener Great Coxwell Limited is registered in England as a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration number: 8761 Please let us know if you would like tickets for the Jubilee BBQ on Saturday the 4th June.
We must have final numbers by Thursday 26th May. Tickets from : Pam Rosemary Cottage 240233 Mandy Church Lees 240142 Pauline Oak House 243140 Dated 20th May 2022: Action Fraud has received 752 reports in four days relating to fake emails purporting to be from Ofgem. The emails state that the recipient is eligible for a rebate as a result of a newly announced government scheme. The links in the emails lead to genuine-looking websites that are designed to steal your personal and financial information
Remember, your bank, or any other official organisation, won’t ask you to share personal information over email or text. If you need to check that it’s a genuine message, contact the company using details from their official website or app. Spotted a suspicious email? Forward it to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) - [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" Here is a list of our June offerings:
Weds 1 June - The Courier (12A) (2020 - Drama, History, Thriller) Businessman Greville Wynne is asked by a Russian source to try to put an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis Film duration: 1 hours 52 mins (no interval) Matinee Club @ The Regent Cinema, Corn Exchange, Faringdon Doors open 12.30pm, film starts at 1pm ADVANCE TICKETS £4 from Faringdon Information Centre Tickets on the door £1 more! Matinee Club Membership - Just £24 for 12 films Fri 24 June- Spencer (12A) (2021 - Biography, Drama) Diana Spencer, struggling with mental health problems during her Christmas holidays with the Royal Family at their Sandringham estate in Norfolk, decides to end her decade-long marriage to Prince Charles Film duration: 1 hr 57 mins plus 15 min interval Blockbuster @ The Regent Cinema, Corn Exchange, Faringdon Doors open 7.00pm, film starts at 7.30pm ADVANCE TICKETS £3 U18s, £4 Adult, £10 Family from Faringdon Information Centre Tickets on the door £1 more! For more info or to join the mailing list, please visit our website Kind regards, Billie Billie Hayter Cinema Supervisor - Faringdon Regent Cinema Faringdon Town Council The Pump House 5 Market Place Faringdon SN7 7HL 01367 240281 Can we ask anyone interested to please complete the energy survey at Apologies if you have already replied. Completing the questionnaire implies no commitment and the information will be strictly confidential to the energy team and the consultants. We need data from a representative sample of properties to enable a better estimate of our energy requirements to be made. This will allow the consultants to model different heat demand profiles for Phase 2 of the study. Time is limited so we would appreciate a quick response - apart from the information on energy use (from your energy bill) the questions are very simple and wont take more than a few minutes. There is also space to add comments. Our consultants, Locogen, have completed the Phase 1 Report - the desktop assessment of benefits and risks of potentially technically feasible energy schemes. We will make the first report available on the website as soon as possible - they concluded "there is potential for a heat network in Great Coxwell - hot network solutions are potentially viable". However, in order to continue this work we now need more detailed information on the energy requirements of the village. If you are not already signed up for our Community Energy Bulletin, you are still welcome to complete the survey and you might like to go to the website: to sign up or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you Greener Great Coxwell web: mail: [email protected] Greener Great Coxwell Limited is registered in England as a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration number: 8761 |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
Great Coxwell Oxfordshire United Kingdom SN7 7NG To subscribe to the Great Coxwell Village Newsletter click here. |