This appeal about the amount of affordable housing to be allocated to the development, will take the form of a hearing on 19th January 2016. The hearing will be held at Meeting Room 1, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB at 10.00am. There is a link on our Planning Applications page.
The procession will start at the lower end of the village, adjacent to the drive to Pear Tree Farm at 5.30 pm, and will then make its way up the village street, arriving at the Barn just before 6.00 pm. Please join Mary and Joseph and our donkey, as we make our way to the Barn (please bring a torch if you would like to join in the carol singing).
There will also be Midnight Mass in St. Giles Church at 11.30 pm. Wishing you all, and all your friends and family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! December 12th - Saturday 10.30 making Christingles
December 13th - 10.30 The traditional Great Coxwell Christingle Family Communion service December 13th - TEAS in the Reading Room 2.30-5pm The following is an update on large planning applications in the Parish.
Various conditions apply to them all eg Thames Water’s ability to upgrade Faringdon sewage works. Fernham Fields 200 houses, 40% of the houses (i.e. 80 units), to be affordable units. There was a subsequent application by the developer to drop all the affordable housing provision. It was refused and is now subject to an appeal. Faringdon Golf Course Change of use – Permission for 36 Caravan/Holiday Lodges. Fernham Gate Application for 8 houses and 2 bungalows. The Steeds Erection of 200 houses, 35% of the houses to be affordable units. Condition - provision of Traffic Lights onto the A420 from the Coxwell Road Link. Fernham Road Application for 25 houses, 15 of which will be Social Housing. Please see our Planning Applications page for links to the documentation. Dear Great Coxwellians,
We want to send you our best wishes for a Joyeux Noël from Montner. Thank you for the good wishes and newsletters we have received over the last 10 months, it is lovely keeping in touch and getting news of our former community. Here the sky is blue and the colours of the trees are fantastic, we have enjoyed sitting on our roof terrace and taking in the views. After months of sorting out the necessary paperwork and some work on the house we now feel that we are in a rhythm of normal life again. We love the peace here, our morning walks are blessed with the sounds of birdsong and the smells of the garrigue – herbs and bushes of the undergrowth here, warmed by the sun. We are enjoying the village events, always revolving around food and wine and Gill even represented the village at a départemental Catalan Skittles tournament.....her team were runners up !! One of the village council initiatives we have supported is to switch off the street lights during the night, we explained that in GC we (mostly) benefited from no lighting !!!! Music events, theatre, cinema and exhibitions have been regular treats for us. We have joined a weekly Qi Gong class and we have found a great French teacher whom we go to each Thursday afternoon for 2 hours of intensive and fun brain work ! Visits by friends both from UK and USA are always great fun as we enjoy sharing this beautiful landscape. Health wise, Gill is feeling fit and well, and Trish is hugely better since her pulmonary rehab...... it has changed her life! She hasn't felt this healthy for decades and is looking forward to a Christmas period that she can fully enjoy, for the first time in years ! We are both really thankful for this. On the doggie front, Tosca is a joy....full of fun and joie de vie, we think she loves it here as much as we do ! Especially the absence of rain and mud during our walks. This Christmas we will be with some local friends for Christmas Eve (le Réveillon de Noël) and then we will share Christmas Day with friends from Great Coxwell - should be great fun with an 8 year old and a 4 year old !!! We have decided to adopt the French tradition of not sending cards at Christmas and will instead send a donation to Médecins Sans Frontières, one of our favourite organisations. Instead we hope you will find this message as heartfelt and feel the love with which it is sent ! All best wishes to you all for 2016 with much love from Trish Gill and Tosca (wags) Temporary Traffic Regulation Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Road Closure – at Faringdon, Coach Lane A request has been received for a temporary road closure to apply to Coach Lane, Faringdon, whilst essential upgrades to the network are carried out. The temporary closure will operate from 4 January 2016. The estimated duration of the works programme is 6 weeks. At The Lotus Retreat, Great Coxwell
Saturday 5th december 3.00-6.00 embroidered bedspreads singing bowls sacred ornaments Tibetan blankets pashmina shawls from Kashmir silk scarves from Ladak bespoke silver jewellery taster treatments with Kathleen festive foods high-end beauty products and much more! Beautiful Gifts and Much More... This year's Christmas Bazaar promises to be very special. There will be a beautiful range of Indian gifts on sale as well as a selection of high-end beauty products at discounted prices. Kathleen will be offering her wonderful Reiki and Indian Head Massage, and there will be scrumptious festive produce on sale made by Pauline Durham (put your christmas pudding order in here). What's more, everyone who comes along will receive a £5.00 gift voucher and a tipple of sloe gin. What a perfect start to the festive season! December 5th - Lotus Christmas Bazaar
December 8th - Great Coxwell WI meeting December 9th - The Steeds planning committee decision meeting December 12th - Saturday 10.30 making Christingles December 13th - 10.30 The traditional Great Coxwell Christingle Family Communion service Badbury Clump
To bring you up to date, The National Trust have taken account of the level of concern about their proposals for Badbury Clump and its surrounding woodland and have withdrawn their planning application in order to allow further consultation. This is a very considerate action and will enable us to sit down with them and see how the area can be made suitable for both walkers and cyclists, and the car park improved. The Steeds Will be decided by the planning committee on Wednesday 9th December at 6.30pm at The Ridgeway, The Beacon, Portway, Wantage OX12 9BY. The officer has recommended it be accepted. The Parish Council will have 3 minutes to make their case for refusal. Please would those who have booked let me have your cheques this week as we need to sort out the catering. Cheques payable to Great Coxwell W.I £12.50 per person. Any queries or if you have booked and are unable to come phone Pam. All the tickets have been sold.
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |