Various conditions apply to them all eg Thames Water’s ability to upgrade Faringdon sewage works.
Fernham Fields
200 houses, 40% of the houses (i.e. 80 units), to be affordable units.
There was a subsequent application by the developer to drop all the affordable housing provision. It was refused and is now subject to an appeal.
Faringdon Golf Course
Change of use – Permission for 36 Caravan/Holiday Lodges.
Fernham Gate
Application for 8 houses and 2 bungalows.
The Steeds
Erection of 200 houses, 35% of the houses to be affordable units.
Condition - provision of Traffic Lights onto the A420 from the Coxwell Road Link.
Fernham Road
Application for 25 houses, 15 of which will be Social Housing.
Please see our Planning Applications page for links to the documentation.