Thank you to all the children who came and painted flags for the bunting in the Reading Room. It was great to see so many of you there. TEAS went very well too and we raised £175 for the Park, thank you all.
Dear neighbours around Stonevale,
We get a visit every night from a big black cat with a beautiful fluffy tail. He comes in through our cat flap between 11 and early morning hours and eats all of our cat’s food. He is very clever, and even opens the dry food container to help himself. We started to lock the cat flap at night, but then our cat cannot get out, and wakes us all up at 2 am with howling. We are now forced to keep it open again, but this morning, all of the cat food has gone again and the container has been opened. Katherine was woken up with the culprit's scratching while opening the container, all after I had to let our cat out at 1.30 this morning. We know how he looks, because we caught him in the act a couple of times. Would it be possible for the owner (if you know who you are), to really feed your cat up, and possibly keep him indoors for a few nights to retrain him? It is getting expensive and we really need uninterrupted sleep! We don’t really want to go to the lengths of changing cat flaps etc.. Best wishes, Lynette Stulting Between 11.50am and 12.10pm on 10/05 a car was broken into whilst parked on The Hollow Road, Great Coxwell. Offender(s) smashed the rear windscreen and stole a handbag from the boot of the vehicle. Please consider the following when leaving your vehicle: • Remove everything from your vehicle including removable stereos and sat-navs. Do not leave anything in the glove compartment. • Close all windows and the sunroof • Lock your vehicle and use your alarms if you have them. • Park in a garage or drive way where possible. If this is not possible park in a well-lit/busy area. • If you do see any persons or vehicles acting suspicious in the area then call 101 (non-emergency) and 999 in an emergency. This year we have two pop-up cafes during artweeks. Both are organised and funded by villagers and all the profits go to village things - the Park, the Church, the reading room and the village fund. The Reading Room cafe will be open all five days. Pam is still looking for bakers/cakes or donations of ingredients. If you can help please contact her on 240 233, thank you. The other cafe is a BBQ by the Phone Box on Saturday and Sunday 26-27. The funerals of two long-standing and much loved residents of Great Coxwell will be taking place is St. Giles Church in May: Jeannette Grace The funeral and celebration of the life of Jeannette Grace will be held on Tuesday May 15th at 2.00pm, and everyone who knew Jeannette is warmly invited after to the funeral to the wake at the Eagle Tavern, Little Coxwell. Tommy Thompson "Tommy" Thompson, retired pilot, R.A.F and Britannia Airways, died peacefully at home on 24th April 2018, aged 88 years, surrounded by his family, who were loved by him, as he was much loved by them. The funeral will be held on 22nd May 2018 at 11.30 a.m. at St Giles Church, Great Coxwell. No flowers. Funeral Director Godfrey and Sons, Stanford in the Vale. There will be a wake afterwards at Wickstead Farm, Coleshill. I wish to thank everyone for their kindness and good wishes, l am afraid l have a bit of a long haul before l am back among you, but am trying hard to get stronger.
With many thanks, Jennifer Great Coxwell WI would like to invite you to come to our meetings. We are a small friendly group and meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room. We have different speakers every month as well as time for a drink, raffle and chat.
We hope that you will be able to join us and enjoy the activities we arrange. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 8th May when we have the Uffington Potter coming to talk to us. All women welcome. Artweeks in the village is one of the loveliest events that we host. There is a huge coming together of talents from artistic - in the form of painting, ceramics, stone carving, mosaics, woodworking, jewellery and wire modelling, to catering, baking, flower arranging, plant growing, cafe creating. It is two weekends when the streets in the village are alive with folk out to have a jolly time. 10 artists will be exhibiting and demonstrating in 4 venues in the village of Great Coxwell from the Great Barn down to the Church. We hope you will be a part of it in some way.
CHILDREN’S ART WORKSHOP This event is for all the children of the village, to create their own works that will be part of the decorative bunting in the reading room over the artweeks weekends. Please come and join us SUNDAY 13 MAY 11-12 and have fun. Everyone welcome! DOES ANYONE HAVE A GAS BBQ WE COULD BORROW FOR 26 AND 27 MAY FOR ARTWEEKS CATERING? "Tommy" Thompson, retired pilot, R.A.F and Britannia Airways, died peacefully at home on 24th April 2018, aged 88 years, surrounded by his family, who were loved by him, as he was much loved by them.
The funeral will be held on 22nd May 2018 at 11.30 a.m. at St Giles Church, Great Coxwell. No flowers. Funeral Director Godfrey and Sons, Stanford in the Vale. There will be a wake afterwards at Wickstead Farm, Coleshill. The funeral and celebration of the life of Jeannette Grace will be held on Tuesday May 15th at 2.00pm, and everyone who knew Jeannette is warmly invited after to the funeral to the wake at the Eagle Tavern, Little Coxwell.
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |