They should be planted in the open ground soon. If you can return the pots we shall pot up some more!
Lauren Gale
Great Coxwell Village Website |
If anyone would like foxgloves, please collect as many as you would like from Green's Farmhouse - they are potted up outside the porch to the left.
They should be planted in the open ground soon. If you can return the pots we shall pot up some more! Lauren Gale An evening of Music and Bubbles
With thanks to all of the performers! All proceeds will go to St. Giles Church For those who would like to put an entry into the Book of Condolence for her late majesty the Queen, the Book will remain in the Church until 5pm on Tuesday 20th September.
Come and join us for a magical evening of music in our beautiful old church followed by delicious canapes and bubbles.
Friday 7th October 7 o'clock onwards. Tickets £15 Available from Pam 240233 Pauline 243140 All proceeds to St Giles Church To mark the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Vale of White Horse District Council’s offices will be closed on Monday 19 September. They will reopen as normal on Tuesday 20 September.
Waste collections will not go ahead on the day of the funeral and so collections that week will take place a day later than normal. The district council’s leisure centres will be closed as well. Waste collection dates: Usual collection day - Revised collection day Monday 19 September - Tuesday 20 September Tuesday 20 September - Wednesday 21 September Wednesday 21 September - Thursday 22 September Thursday 22 September - Friday 23 September Friday 23 September - Saturday 24 September Queen Elizabeth ll, was the longest-serving monarch in British history, serving our country with dedication and devotion for 70 years. She was also a much-loved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and the Parish Council sends its sincere condolences to The King and the entire Royal Family.
Buckingham Palace confirmed the news earlier today, in a statement saying: “ The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.“ A book of condolence will be available for signing in the Church from 9:30am tomorrow. The Church bell will be tolled 96 times, one of each year of the Queen’s life, at 10am tomorrow (Friday 9th September). The Vicar will hold a short prayer vigil after the tolling of the bell at 10am. Flowers may be left (unwrapped) on the grass to the left and right of the main doors into the Church. (Please note flowers will be removed the day after the state funeral and composted). This week’s Sunday Service (10:30am) will be dedicated to the memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Please come along and meet our consultants who are working to produce a feasibility study into connecting all our houses in the village to low carbon hot water for heating and hot water. Known as a Heating Network, it is very standard in Scandinavian countries but pretty innovative in the UK. I’m sure you have lots of questions and Monday’s meeting is set up for you to have them answered.
This will be their only visit so please join us. 7pm in the Reading Room. Best wishes Annabelle (Chapel House) and Ken (Danes Court) web: mail: [email protected] Greener Great Coxwell Limited is registered in England as a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration number: 8761 Next Sunday the Harvest Festival will be held at the church at 10.30am. The service will be followed by our usual Harvest Lunch of Ploughman's and wine in the Reading Room. All are welcome to join us at either or both events. If anyone has flowers, fruit or veg which have survived the heat of the summer that they would like to donate to decorate the church, Pat and Pauline would be grateful if you could bring them to the church if possible on Friday (9th September). Any fruit and vegetables will be donated to one of the churches in Faringdon that will use.them for their own charitable activity. Tins and packets of food are also welcome and these will be donated to the Faringdon Food Bank.. If you would like to join us at the Harvest Lunch, please contact Pat Cook (241632) or Jane Holmes (241367).to reserve a place and help us with catering. Donations of approx £7.50 per head are suggested, which can be made on the day. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
Great Coxwell Oxfordshire United Kingdom SN7 7NG To subscribe to the Great Coxwell Village Newsletter click here. |