Next Sunday the Harvest Festival will be held at the church at 10.30am. The service will be followed by our usual Harvest Lunch of Ploughman's and wine in the Reading Room. All are welcome to join us at either or both events.
If anyone has flowers, fruit or veg which have survived the heat of the summer that they would like to donate to decorate the church, Pat and Pauline would be grateful if you could bring them to the church if possible on Friday (9th September). Any fruit and vegetables will be donated to one of the churches in Faringdon that will use.them for their own charitable activity. Tins and packets of food are also welcome and these will be donated to the Faringdon Food Bank..
If you would like to join us at the Harvest Lunch, please contact Pat Cook (241632) or Jane Holmes (241367).to reserve a place and help us with catering. Donations of approx £7.50 per head are suggested, which can be made on the day.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.