Coleshill Organics featured on Mary Berry's 'Foolproof Cooking' at 8.30pm on Monday 22 February, BBC2! If you missed the programme there is still time to watch it on the BBC iplayer.
February Friday 26th 7.30pm - Regent Cinema Faringdon SUFFRAGETTE
February Sunday 28th 4pm - Stonevale concert May 14-15 and 21-22 - Artweeks in the village June 13th 7.30pm - Live at the Tithe SHOW OF HANDS concert at the Great/Tithe Barn. You may have heard that the National Trust put in a planning application to turn Badbury Clump into a national cycling hub, attracting large numbers of visitors, large numbers of fast moving bikes and involving a huge amount of excavations to create the new cycle paths and foot paths. A group, Badbury Hill Group, have got together and met the NT to express their concerns. Great Coxwell Parish Council are part of the group. We would like to know the thoughts of the villagers. If you want to see the group's full presentation to the Trust click here. You can also still see the application on the Vale of White Horse District Council planning site - the reference is P15/V2572/FUL. Please email any comments to - [email protected]
SUFFRAGETTE (12A). Friday 26th February. Doors open 7pm. Film starts 7.30pm.
On THURSDAY, 10 MARCH 2016, Faringdon and District U3A hold their March meeting in the Faringdon Corn Exchange at 2.30pm.
The speaker will be Mike Skidmore, a well-known local prize-winning artist who will talk about “A Life In Art”. Mike brings much experience to this talk, having appeared on TV as well as teaching in Schools and Colleges of Art. The afternoon holds great promise! Refreshments are available. Members are free as always but visitors are required to pay an entrance fee of £1.50. For further information please look on the web site - or contact the chairman. Monday 8th February - Parish Council meeting 7.30pm in the Reading Room
Saturday 13th February, 10am - Lent Children's workshop, Reading Room Sunday 14th February - TEAS in the Reading Room 2.30 -5pm and concert at Stonevale 4pm Lent Children's Workshop: Reading Room, Saturday February 13th 10.00 am. Preparing for Lent, with activities and refreshments.
A man and a woman have received jail sentences after 270 cannabis plants were found at Chowle Farm Industrial Estate, Great Coxwell.
Sunday 14 February 2016
We are delighted that Peter Noke and Julian Hellaby agreed to perform again at Stonevale. Seats will go quickly for this one: some of you will remember their concert last year. They are outstanding musicians, and they are yet again presenting a wonderful programme. We hope you can join us. Please see our Concerts page for full details. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |