Saturday February 13th 10am - Lent Children's workshop, Reading Room
Sunday 14th February - TEAS in the Reading Room 2.30 -5pm
Great Coxwell Village Website |
Sunday January 31st 10.30 am - Candlemas Family Communion Service
Saturday February 13th 10am - Lent Children's workshop, Reading Room Sunday 14th February - TEAS in the Reading Room 2.30 -5pm
Oxfordshire company guilty of allowing waste crime on business site.
The Environment Agency has prosecuted a company and an individual associated with the company for allowing illegal waste activities to be carried out at the company's business park in Oxfordshire. Mr David Crossley Cooke was described by the sentencing Judge, HHJ Eccles QC, as the controlling mind of Tapecrown Limited, which owns Chowle Farm, a site off the A420 near Faringdon, Oxfordshire, also known as Faringdon Business Park. The defendants appeared at Oxford Crown Court on Monday 25 January 2016. Tapecrown Ltd was fined £20,000 with the costs to be determined at a later date. Mr Crossley Cooke was fined £4,000 with costs also to be determined at a later date. Between April 2010 and June 2013, various waste operations took place at Faringdon Business Park. In particular, a skip hire business operated illegally from the site, and another tenant deposited large quantities of tyres. All commercial waste activities are regulated by the Environment Agency. Whenever waste is stored or treated, the operator is required to hold an environmental permit or register for an exemption, which is reserved for low-risk waste activities only. The Court heard that Tapecrown Ltd allowed the storage, treatment and burning of waste at the Faringdon premises without the necessary permits. Two individuals have already been convicted of waste offences committed at Faringdon Business Park during the charge period. Mr. David Ham pleaded guilty in 2011 to one offence of depositing controlled waste likely to cause pollution to the environment or harm to human health between April 2010 and March 2011, and one offence to operating a regulated facility (a waste transfer station) without an environment permit over the same period. Mr. Wayne Clarke pleaded guilty in December 2012 to one offence of operating a regulated facility (recovering metal components from wheels of vehicles and storing or depositing the tyres) without an environment permit between October 2011 and January 2012. In July 2013 Mr. Ham pleaded guilty to further offences; one offence of failing to comply with a court order to remove waste from the site and a further offence of keeping controlled waste likely to cause pollution to the environment or harm to human health between June 2012 and January 2013. Tapecrown Ltd knowingly permitted these waste crimes to be carried out at Faringdon Business Park. The waste operations occurred on the company's land over a prolonged period of time (April 2010 to June 2013). The Environment Agency wrote to the company repeatedly and advised as to what had been witnessed on site and reported by others. David Crossley Cooke was present during many of the visits made by Environment Agency officers; and lives only a few hundred metres away from the site. Jack Knight of the Environment Agency said: 'It is very disappointing that Mr. Crossley Cooke continued to allow the operation of an illegal site despite having an understanding of his responsibilities'. 'The net is closing in on people who think they can make easy money undercutting legitimate waste businesses by putting the local environment at risk. We are constantly gathering information on illegal waste sites, criminal activities and environmental crime in Oxfordshire and across the south east'. 'We are taking a zero tolerance approach against offenders. In cases like this where individuals consistently operate illegally, we have absolutely no hesitation in prosecuting them as we want to make sure that waste crime doesn't pay'. 'This extends to landowners and their agents who fail to take steps to prevent such offences once they are made aware of them'. Candlemas Family Communion Service, Sunday January 31st 10.30 am - this service marks the end of the Christmas season, which we celebrate with a festival of candles.
Lent Children's Workshop Reading Room, Saturday February 13th 10.00 am - Preparing for Lent, with activities and refreshments. This is a Vale of White Horse District Council initiative for activities for the over 60’s with taster sessions.
Annalie Thomasson is the GO Active Activator ( Mon-Thurs), Vale of White Horse District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, Abingdon, OX14 4SB. Receive the monthly GO Active newsletter straight to your inbox, just visit their website to sign up: Facebook: Go Active Vale Twitter: @GOActiveVale We regret that Sunday's Stonevale concert has been cancelled and apologise for the short notice.
January 24th - Concert at Stonevale - see our concerts page for full details.
Mandy Burns has been on the Parish Council and chairman of the council for many years and been of enormous benefit to the village. Very sadly she is stepping down. We thank her for all her hard work. Would you like to join the Parish Council? It is about an hour's work a week (two hours a month at the monthly Parish Council meeting in the Reading Room, and another two spread over the month). Some of the things we tackle are managing the Reading room, the park, planning issues and footpaths. To date the council consists of two officers: Jo King - the clerk, Ian Mason - our Responsible financial officer, and the councillors: Annabelle Zinovieff, Lauren Gale, Will Selby-Lowndes and Richard May. You can email the newsletter if you would like more information or talk to any of the above who will be happy to answer your questions. Please take a moment to think if you might like to join us.
The Regent Cinema, Faringdon will be showing the following films in February:
Wednesday 3rd February – Everest (12A) A climbing expedition on Mt. Everest is devastated by a severe snow storm. Director: Baltasar Kormákur Writers: William Nicholson (screenplay), Simon Beaufoy (screenplay) Stars: Jason Clarke, Ang Phula Sherpa Matinee Club @ The Regent Cinema, The Corn Exchange, Faringdon. Doors open 12.30pm, film starts 1pm. £4 Single Entry. £24 Annual membership (min. 12 films). Free tea and coffee. For more information and tickets please contact Faringdon Community and Tourist Information Centre on 01367 242191, email [email protected] or visit Friday 26th February – Macbeth(15) Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself. Director: Justin Kurzel Writers: Jacob Koskoff (screenplay), Michael Lesslie (screenplay), Stars: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jack Madigan Blockbuster Nights @ The Regent Cinema, The Corn Exchange, Faringdon. Doors open 7pm, film starts 7.30pm. £4 Adult. £3 Under 18s. £10 Family ticket. For more information and tickets please contact Faringdon Community and Tourist Information Centre on 01367 242191, email [email protected] or visit If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you all for your continued support. Kind regards, Beth Cinema Supervisor Faringdon Community and Tourist Information Centre Faringdon Town Council The Corn Exchange Cornmarket Faringdon SN7 7JA 01367 242191 On THURSDAY 11th FEBRUARY 2016, the February talk in the Faringdon Corn Exchange will be an illustrated talk by Russell Cherry. His topic is “The Ridgeway–Britain's Oldest Road”. The talk will start at 2.30pm with refreshments served afterwards. There is no charge for members but visitors will be required to pay £1.50. Further details can be obtained from the website – or from the chairman.
January 10th - TEAS in the Reading Room 2.30-5pm
January 12th - WI meeting in the Reading Room - all women welcome January 24th - Concert at Stonevale |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
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