All proceeds are for St Giles church.
Please contact Jane directly on 241367.
On Saturday and Sunday next weekend the plants will be on sale at the Plant Stall in St Giles porch.
Great Coxwell Village Website |
Now is the time to get your tomato plants (traditional and cherry) climbing French beans and courgettes (various) from Jane at Foxley (pink cottage at the bottom of the village), as well as geraniums, petunias, lobelia, nemesia, black eyed susan (climber), gazanias, cosmos, French marigolds, hollyhocks, tobacco plants and coleus.
All proceeds are for St Giles church. Please contact Jane directly on 241367. On Saturday and Sunday next weekend the plants will be on sale at the Plant Stall in St Giles porch. Jane has knitted toys, tree decorations and hand made jewellery for sale.
Brooches, dragonfly necklace, rings, earrings (animals, Christmas, fairies) All in aid of St Giles Church. Please contact Jane Holmes at Foxley for further info. Phone 241367 Jane is taking orders now for tomatoes, courgettes, climbing beans and bedding plants. Please contact her on 01367 241367 to place your order.
Tomatoes: Gardeners Delight, Alicante, Sungold, Golden Sunrise, red cherry and Italian beefsteak. French Beans: Climbing and Dwarf Courgettes: Green, Yellow, Round Bedding: Petunia (Frenzy Mix) French Marigolds (Banana Mix) Verbena (Quartz Mix) Antirrhinum (Twinny Mix) Begonia (Non-Stop Mix) Geranium (Cabaret Mix) Would anyone like these two largish pieces of wood? They’re 4.8m x 15 cm x 9.5 cm (or 15 foot x 6 inches x 4 inches) approximately.
Contact Ian Mason 07973 793089 or [email protected] Saturday 5th June 2021
10.00 – 12.30 At Foxley and Jenners House (adjacent) Collectables Plants Cakes, etc Donations of items, unwanted gifts, cakes, greatly appreciated. Please drop off Thursday/Friday 3rd/4th to Gini at Jenners House (bottom of village) 07960 197634 or Jane (01367 241367) All proceeds for St Giles Church and the Village Fund I am Pamela Shanks and for many years I have been selling my paintings and cards to raise money for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance. With the pandemic all my venues for selling have been cancelled or closed so I am trying to sell my cards elsewhere. I have ten different floral cards which I ordered for Art Weeks 2020. Details below. 6 cards for £10.
All profits sent to THAMES VALLLEY AIR AMBULANCE. Please phone Pamela on 01367 242177 to order cards. Many thanks. I have semi-trailing mixed petunias, red geraniums, sea holly and perpetual sweet peas, all ready now.
Begonias, rudbeckia and antirrhinums will be available in about two weeks time. I also have plenty of tomatoes, some courgettes and dwarf beans also ready in two weeks. Please give me a ring on 241367. Jane Tomatoes and Summer Plants will be available from Foxley as and when weather permits - probably mid to end May
Please phone Jane (241367) if you would like to place your order or discuss availability.
Proceeds are for St Giles Four-pad electronic drum kit model DD40 by Gear4Music – really good, very compact, lots of options including recording. Comes with instructions, sticks and new batteries. Free to good home.
Contact Russ at Stonevale, [email protected] Nice Hornby model railway layout (tracks, buildings scenery etc) measures 160x120cm. Two separate loops with sidings etc. Not on EBay (yet) so will take offers on just the layout, or with some of the other accessories as well. Note: The passenger train shown in the photo isn’t up for sale now – Oliver wants to keep it, but there are three other engines and numerous trucks etc.
Contact Russ at Stonevale, [email protected] |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
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