On a tarpaulin outside Stone Croft - help yourself.
Betty has some spare Lily of the Valley, free for collection.
On a tarpaulin outside Stone Croft - help yourself. The following finance documents have been added to the Parish Council Finance Page here.
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/4 Notice of Public Rights of Inspection of Unaudited AGAR Parish Council Accounts 2023/4 Internal Audit The Parochial Church Council of St Giles’ are seeking someone to take the minutes at their meetings (four a year). The meetings are held in the village. The next meeting is on Thursday 30th May at 2.30.
If anyone is interested please let Pat Cook (Church warden) know on 241632 or [email protected] Maureen (Vicar) ‘Art Weeks’ is happening on:
18th, 19th May 25th, 26th, 27th May As usual we are looking for people to help us in our pop-up café in the Reading Room and to bake lots of cakes. We are looking to cover 43 shifts and we need 50 cakes. Money raised is paid into the Community Fund. This money is all spent on various projects for the benefit of the Village. Over the past few years we have raised £22,000. If you are able to work a shift, bake a cake or give a donation of food please contact Pam on 01367 240233 / 07443 636497 or email [email protected] It is fun but we need your help! Thanks Pam. Aleksei and I are looking forward to performing this recital at St Giles. Do come if you can, some of the repertoire we are playing will include some old favourites. We would welcome donations, with some of it going towards the church and the upkeep of the piano.
We are doing the same programme at Buscot Park, a week later, but that venue is now sold out. Best wishes, Lynette Corrected - correction shown in bold.
For info, from a note on the post box in the village: "Change to last collection time In order to improve efficiency we're reviewing our mail collection arrangements and revising collection times. From 29 April 2024, the final collection from this postbox will be made no earlier than 9am Monday to Friday and 7am on Saturday. That latest collection time for the area is shown on the postbox notice." Now is the time to get your tomato plants (traditional and cherry) climbing French beans and courgettes (various) from Jane at Foxley (pink cottage at the bottom of the village), as well as geraniums, petunias, lobelia, nemesia, black eyed susan (climber), gazanias, cosmos, French marigolds, hollyhocks, tobacco plants and coleus.
All proceeds are for St Giles church. Please contact Jane directly on 241367. On Saturday and Sunday next weekend the plants will be on sale at the Plant Stall in St Giles porch. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |