February 14th - WI Aspects of a novel talk by Pam Nixon
May 6/7 & 13/14 - Artweeks in Oxfordshire and in the village
June - Village fete? See below.
Great Coxwell Village Website |
January 29th at 10.30 - Candlemas. Service in Buscot
February 14th - WI Aspects of a novel talk by Pam Nixon May 6/7 & 13/14 - Artweeks in Oxfordshire and in the village June - Village fete? See below.
Open House every Wednesday morning 10.30 – 11.30.
Drop into the Reading Room for coffee and conversation, news and views. Everyone welcome, walkers, talkers and listeners. Donations for the Reading Room . Great Coxwell Parish Council expect to be asked to choose the names for the streets in The Steeds. We have agreed to take inspiration from the names on the war memorial in honour of the men from the village who gave their lives in both world wars.
Is there anyone who would like to do a bit of research into our village soldiers who died? Is there a soldier who survived who we would particularly like to honour and remember? If you were at the coffee morning meeting or church flower meeting in the reading room last Wednesday, could you please check to see if you took an envelope of photos home by mistake? If you find them, could you please get in touch.
Thank you very much. Four village folk have stepped up to get the ball rolling for a Village Fete this June. It will only happen if we have enough helpers to organise it and to help on the day. Please email above if you could possibly help or for more information. Group so far - Laurence Tipping, Annabelle Zinovieff, Pat Cook and Jacqui Russell.
We would like to invite you to come to our meetings. We are a small friendly group and meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room. We have different speakers every month as well as time for a drink, raffle and chat.
14th February 2017: Aspects of a novel Faringdon Regent Cinema will be showing the following films in February 2017:
Wednesday 1st February - 84 Charing Cross Road (U) (Biography, Drama, Romance - 1987) It all began with a letter inquiring about second-hand books, written by Helene Hanff in New York, and posted to a bookshop at 84, Charing Cross Road in London. As Helene's sarcastic and witty letters are responded to by the stodgy and proper Frank Doel of 84, Charing Cross Road, a relationship blossoms into a warm and charming long-distance friendship lasting many years. Director: David Hugh Jones Writers: Helene Hanff (book) Hugh Whitemore (screenplay) Stars: Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins, Judi Dench Matinee Club @ The Regent Cinema, The Corn Exchange, Faringdon. Doors open 12.30pm, film starts at 1pm. £4 Single Entry. £24 Annual Membership (min. 12 films). Free tea/coffee. For more info/ tickets contact Faringdon Info Centre on 01367 242191, email regentcinema@faringdontowncouncil.gov.uk or visit www.faringdontowncouncil.gov.uk/regent-cinema Friday 24th February - Bridget Jones Baby (15) (Comedy, Romance - 2016) Bridget's focus on single life and her career is interrupted when she finds herself pregnant, but with one hitch ... she can only be fifty percent sure of the identity of her baby's father. Director: Sharon Maguire Writer: Helen Fielding (story & screenplay) Dan Mazer (screenplay) Emma Thompson (screenplay) Stars: Renee Zellweger, Gemma Jones, Colin Firth, Patrick Dempsey Blockbuster Nights @ The Regent Cinema, The Corn Exchange, Faringdon. Doors open 7pm, film starts at 7.30pm. £4 Adults £3 Under 18s £10 Family ticket. For more info/ tickets contact Faringdon Info Centre on 01367 242191 or email regentcinema@faringdontowncouncil.gov.uk On Thursday 9th February 2017, Roger Vlitos will be returning at 2.30pm to the Faringdon Corn Exchange to give an illustrated talk which will be of particular local interest. He will be looking at paintings by Lord Berners which were recently discovered at Faringdon House. Refreshments will be provided after the talk, which is open to all members. Visitors are most welcome but must make a contribution of £1.50. Further information can be found on www.faringdondistrictu3a.wordpress.com or from the chairman Peter Smith.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oxfordshire County Council proposes to make the above order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers.
The effect of the order, as a result of residential development of land adjacent to the road and for road safety reasons, is to extend the current 30mph speed limit on Coxwell Road southwards by approximately 185 metres reducing the existing National speed limit (60mph) by the same amount. The Oxfordshire County Council (Faringdon) (30 Miles Per Hour) (Speed Limit) Order 2014, will be revoked/replaced. Documents giving more detailed particulars of the Order are available for public inspection online by visiting: https://consultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk, or in person at County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, and at Faringdon Town Council, The Corn Exchange, Cornmarket, SN7 7EY, from 9am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday. Objections to the proposals specifying the grounds on which they are made and any other representations to be sent in writing to the address below (or by visiting: https://consultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk) no later than 10 February 2017. The County Council will consider objections and representations received in response to this Notice. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public. Traffic Regulation Team (Ref. CM/12.6.207) on behalf of the Director for Environment & Economy, County Hall, Oxford, New Road, OX1 1ND. Tel. 0345 310 1111 January 22 4pm - Concert at Stonevale - see below
January 29th at 10.30 - Candlemas. Service in Buscot May 6/7 & 13/14 - Artweeks in Oxfordshire and in the village |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
Great Coxwell Oxfordshire United Kingdom SN7 7NG To subscribe to the Great Coxwell Village Newsletter click here. |