Please see the update (link below) regarding a new planning application and consultation process concerning Wicklesham Quarry SSSI. I would be very grateful if you could send this to villagers. The deadline for comments is 7th December. A meeting will be held at Lt. Coxwell on 15 November. All welcome!
ttps:// The proposed development at Wicklesham Quarry is a county matter by virtue of paragraph 1(1)(h) of Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended, as the site is in its aftercare period on the previous mineral permission. It is now for the prospective applicant to submit a planning application for their proposed development to the County Council for determination. They have not yet done so although they have sought pre-application advice. As part of the pre-application stage the applicant sought an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion under the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.
Having assessed the information submitted, the County Council determined that the proposed development would not be EIA development. Based on the information presented, the County Council determined the impacts that would arise would be localised to the site and immediate surrounds and therefore not at a scale that requires an EIA process to be undertaken. This included assessment of information provided by the applicant that set out how impacts on the geological SSSI would be mitigated. The Vale of White Horse also reached the same decision that the proposal would not be EIA development when they dealt with a previous screening opinion request from the applicant when they had thought the proposal was a district rather than county matter. Anybody who disagrees with the Screening Opinion can seek a Screening Direction from the Secretary of State and so this would be recourse for any party who disagrees with the decisions by both the district and county councils on this matter. Whilst it has been determined the proposed development does not require EIA, environmental impacts will of course be rigorously assessed through any future planning application by the County Council’s planning team. The application would need to be accompanied by environmental information and subject to consultation with statutory environmental bodies as well as residents and other interested parties. The application information and consultation responses will then be assessed by the planning team and a recommendation made having weighed up all the considerations, including those concerned with the environmental impacts. The planning application process will also assess the proposal against all relevant development plan policy, which will include those contained in the County Council’s Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Part 1, the Vale of White Horse Local Plan and Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan. In summary, due process has been followed with the EIA screening process in respect of the proposed development at Wicklesham Quarry. The next step would be for a planning application to be submitted, which once received will be subject to statutory consultation and assessment against all relevant policies and material considerations that will include rigorous review of environmental and all other impacts. Please see attached proposed formal diversion of Footpath No.6 by OCC, onto the boardwalk/kissing gate already constructed by the National Trust. This diversion has been in use for some years, but this order would formalise the route.
Please find below an update and information on proposals for Wicklesham Quarry Anna Hoare I am very thankful to everyone in Great Coxwell who took an interest in this recent planning application. Here is an update on the current situation. Many thanks! Anna Hoare Please find below details regarding a planning application for an industrial estate at Wicklesham Quarry, which is still open countryside and agricultural land. If anyone wishes to comment, please note the deadline of 27 July. Thank you.
Anna Hoare This update on the data centre proposal for Wicklesham Quarry SSSI and local opposition may be of interest to people of great Coxwell. (The previous update can be found on the petiton main page with more information.)
Anna Hoare This application went to planning committee on the 19th of August and was refused by a unanimous decision. It was refused on the grounds of insufficient affordable housing and reduced s106 for infrastructure for Faringdon, Gt Coxwell and Health Centre, the committee report and the decision notice can be found using the link. Great Coxwell Parish Council and Faringdon Town Council worked together to produce a 3 minute speech which Mayor Mike Wise {Faringdon} delivered at the planning committee meeting on behalf of both Parishes.
Just to let you know that the current work on the Golf Course is in line with planning permissions.
Richard May Note an amended document for this planning application Land South of the Steeds
Financial Viability Assessment |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |