Car passenger's headrest, between the bottom of the village and the Reading Room on Monday. Please contact us if you have it.
At around 4.30pm on Tuesday (19/7) a large disturbance involving a number of people occurred at the Buscot Weir, near the A417 on the border of both Gloucestershire and Swindon.
Several young people were assaulted, and others were racially abused. One victim suffered a broken cheekbone and was taken to hospital. Investigating Officer, PC John Cleverly of Local CID, based at Abingdon police station, said: “We are appealing for witnesses following this assault and racial abuse on a number of victims. We would like anyone who was at Buscot Weir and saw this incident to come forward". “We would be particularly keen on hearing from anyone who may have video or audio footage of this incident which could help us with our investigation". “Anyone with information should call 101 asking for Thames Valley Police quoting reference 43160198758”. The County Council is consulting on the Stanford Tip to set a new plan for household waste recycling (HWRC).
Responses are needed by 14 August 2016 to : The Stanford Tip is to stay open until 2024, but the County Council must save money on the service provided at the tips and is seeking information on the best opening times and best service possible. It is also important to ensure that future tip development is not concentrated away from the west of the county. In the interests of public safety it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road as detailed above in order to facilitate carriageway repair works. A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate on the days shown above. Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only. Emergency Notices can last up to 21 consecutive days.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and also limited access for those properties within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works. Please note that access routes will depend on exactly where the works vehicles are at any time and may need to be negotiated with the gang on site as necessary. A copy of the drawings showing the extent of the closure and also the alternative routes for traffic is available. Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Vanessa Buckley, OCC Highways & Transport on 0845 310 11 11. Should there be dead animals, litter or graffiti that needs removal from anywhere in our parish please contact BIFFA - 03000 610610.
If you see anything on the road that is or could become a hazard, contact Highways - 08453 101111. Other street issues such as street lighting or pot holes, please use the website: U3A in August
There will be no formal meeting in August . Instead, U3A is holding its annual summer party on Thursday 4th August which is open to members only; the venue is 19 Coxwell Road, Faringdon at 12 noon for 12.30pm. This is through the generosity of Steve and Jenny Braithwaite. To assist with numbers for catering, it would be most helpful if members could notify us on-line – details at the web site. On Thursday 8th September in Faringdon Corn Exchange the monthly talk will be given by Paul Febvre about trends in Satellite Technology. Further details next month. The talks are free to members but visitors are required to pay £1.50. Refreshments available. All enquiries to Peter Smith or on-line at: OrAn amendment relating to application number P16/V0727/O has been deposited with the District Council as Local Planning Authority.
You can submit your comments regarding this application online by clicking the link below: Full details of this application can be found on the District Council website: July 9th and 10th - Flower Festival
July 10th 4pm - Stonevale Concert - TEAS in the Reading Room 2.30-5pm July 11th Monday - Parish Council meeting in the Reading Room 7.30pm Flower Festival at St. Mary's, Buscot and All Saints, Coleshill.
The Festival will be on the theme of Let's Celebrate, and both churches will be open from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on the Saturday and Sunday (9th and 10th). Please look in sometime over the weekend and see the lovely floral displays that the teams have been preparing. To mark the close of the Festival, there will be a special service of Evening Prayer at Coleshill on the Sunday at 6.00 pm. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |