If beer and Pimms are not your thing then please feel free to bring wine or whatever your tipple is.
All we ask is a small donation - all proceeds to the Village Fund for the benefit of all villagers.
Great Coxwell Village Website |
We have a quantity of beer, cider and Pimms left from the fete and thought it would be a good idea to have a village get together for free drinks and nibbles this Saturday 22nd July from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
If beer and Pimms are not your thing then please feel free to bring wine or whatever your tipple is. All we ask is a small donation - all proceeds to the Village Fund for the benefit of all villagers.
Oxfordshire Historic Church Trust organises an annual Ride and Stride sponsored event to raise essential funds to repair, restore and improve the county’s churches. This years event takes place on 9th September.
Please find a link to our press release. We have received reports of a company cold calling individuals in the Longcot area of Faringdon offering home security systems endorsed by the police and guaranteeing a police response should the alarms be triggered.
No firms that work with the police would be cold calling residents. We would like to remind our residents not to provide personal information to cold callers. You can report fraud and scams, or get advice from the UK’s national fraud reporting centre Action Fraud. Visit Action Fraud’s website for more information. All are welcome at the Vicar's Garden party tomorrow (Saturday July 8th), which will be held this year in the gardens of The Old Rectory at Coleshill by kind permission of Lady Judy Martin, from 2.30 to 5.00pm. There will be tea, coffee, soft drinks, and a wide selection of savouries and cakes. Entry is free but donations are invited in aid of the Helen and Douglas House hospice in Oxford.
Best wishes, David Tuesday July 11th 7.30pm WI - Mary Gregory. ACWW Associated Countrywomen of the World
Everyone welcome, please bring someone new along to join us. Sunday 16th July 2pm
Please come and join us for what will hopefully be a very enjoyable afternoon. We will have a BBQ, beer tent, Teas, Pimms, lots of stalls, and lots of games including the world renowned Great Coxwell favourite Woodlouse Racing! Mandy will be collecting bottles for fete next week (Wednesday and Thursday). If you would be so kind as to donate some, either leave outside our front door - Church Lees or Four Winds. Any bottles: wine, spirits, beer, shampoo, cordials, condiments, All very welcome! Produce Stall: donations of homemade cakes, jams, pickles, chutneys, home grown vegetables, fruit, plants, are all very welcome. Please drop off at Pauline Durham’s Oak House We are still looking for helpers on the day so please email newsletter if you can help. By kind permission of Jackie & Peter Wallis at Fieldside.
Saturday 29th July 7pm. Come and join us for an evening of delightful summer puddings, music and wine. Please RSVP to Biddy Rounce. Tickets £7.50. Advance booking necessary. This is headed by Pam Smith, Pauline Durham, Sylvia Athaws, Steve McNally and Annabelle Zinovieff. The people in the group have been chosen to reflect the different groups in the village in the hope all interested parties have a voice.
This group came about because of the great success of the Artweeks Café and plant sale. In the past the artweek group consisted of mainly village artists but as the years have gone on the demographic has changed and now only about 10% of the artists come from the village. So, where in the past the decision as to who benefited from the proceeds of the Artweeks Café and plant sale was made by the artists, now we need folk who know the village and its needs to make that decision. Our aim is to decide year on year where the money goes from the profit at artweeks. This is kept flexible and is the group’s decision. Key to the decision is - money to be spent in the village. Our aspirations are that the Village Fund will enable more to happen in the village, more people to get involved and the assets the village have be improved or added to. If you have an idea, want some money to start up a village project, a sports group, a social group, can think of something the village needs please get in touch with any of the group named above, or email the newsletter. Supporting Donkey Assisted Therapy and Donkey Welfare
Webster Walk on Colleymore Farm 24th June 2017 Thankfully the weather was perfect for walking round the village and the farm and we set off with four donkeys , a dog and a number of children and adults. The donkeys, Lilly, Maisie, Fee and Dora, decided it was an opportunity for a good picnic so progress was slow but easy for young and old to keep up. Afterwards we enjoyed a picnic in the donkey field with the donkeys, inevitably, joining in. We are hugely grateful for the support and interest from the villagers of Great Coxwell towards this project whose generosity raised £769 and has increased our total to date to £3,740. Our thanks also go to Jo Coleman who put in much time and effort to help raise this magnificent total and also made "donkey ears" on head bands for the children to wear. Thank you Jo. Angela, Peter and Kate Scales. |
December 2024
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |
Great Coxwell Parish Council
Great Coxwell Oxfordshire United Kingdom SN7 7NG To subscribe to the Great Coxwell Village Newsletter click here. |