Village Barbecue at the Vicarage
Just to remind everyone that we would love you all (children included) o come to our village barbecue at the Vicarage next Saturday. Do come and join Maureen for a sociable evening - including burgers, hot dogs and cake! Wine is also provided, as are soft drinks if you prefer (or are under age!). If your preference is for beer, lager, cider or anything other, please bring your own. You don't have to be a church-goer. Maureen is the Vicar for the whole parish and more three days a week. The rest of the time she is a villager - one of us. She has already joined our WI and is keen to get to know more of you, so do come along. Although the current forecast is favourable, there is a marquee ready in case of inclement weather so that need not prevent you coming. We hope to see as many of you as possible.
Thanks to those who have already been in contact. If you haven't already done so, it would be useful to know if you intend to come ([email protected] or 01367 241632, or any other member of the PCC) so that we don't run short!
Pat and the PCC members (Sylvia, Jane and Jennifer)