We are grateful to villagers who welcomed us into their gardens on our walkabout yesterday and pending formulation of detailed proposals for any changes to the boundary and a formal consultation for the whole document, we should appreciate your views on any aspect of this project. Architectural and historical details will add much to the Appraisal and we encourage you to get in touch with any information that you feel it would be helpful to include about your property.
A map of the Great Coxwell Conservation Area may be found at:
To give you an idea of what the finished document should look like, we recommend glancing at East Hendred’s Conservation Area Appraisal, at:
Prior to the lockdown, reports have been submitted to Parish Meetings, giving details of progress with the Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Plan Update and progress with the Conservation Area Appraisal preparations. These will recommence as meetings are rescheduled.
Peter Gale
Great Coxwell Neighbourhood Plan Team
[email protected]