- On-going work with a solar energy project and heat generation for our homes (in more detail below). Working with Solar Streets. https://solarstreets.co.uk
- Retrofitting homes to make them more energy efficient maybe with the help of Cosy Homes Oxfordshire. https://cosyhomesoxfordshire.org
- Discussions with National Trust about making the pond at the Great Barn a more balanced and healthy ecosystem.
- Making contact with Andy Cato who has taken over Colleymore Farm to find out more about his environmentally-sensitive farming methods.
- Discussions with the Parish Council about the management of the wild area in the Park
- Working with our Church on rewilding the Remembrance Garden next to the graveyard.
- Community orchard - assessing feasibility and seeking a potential site.
- Plant a tree for her Majesty’s Jubilee (The Queens’ Green Canopy project) - we are keen to do something with the whole village and parish council.
Sustainable energy Source - we are investigating two possible energy projects:
Electricity generation. The main sources of renewable energy are wind, water or solar. Oxfordshire is classed a low wind region. We have no large water source so solar is our best option. Solar PV panels could be on a large roof, say an agricultural building, or ground mounted. However, the pricing model imposed by the national grid is disadvantageous. In most projects the power generated goes into the grid. The grid would pay a small fee per unit generated whilst electricity we consumed from the grid is charged at three times this price. Therefore, it makes much more economic sense if we could use the electricity we generate ourselves.
And so we come to the Ground Source Heat Pump. Energy costs are comparable to those of oil-fired heating systems but the costs are rather more than the cost of using gas for heating and hot water. (Most home in the parish use gas). This is where the solar comes in. If we generate our own electricity through solar panels and use it to power the pump this should lower the over all cost of the hot water. The main priority is to decarbonise our heating systems.
Next step is a feasibility study. We are talking to both Low Carbon Hub and Rural Communities Energy Fund to see if this is something they would help us fund and organise.
Next meeting 5th August 2021 8pm - anyone in the village with an interest in the ‘green’ agenda is invite to attend. Just drop an email to [email protected] and we’ll add you to the circulation list.
George Monbiot video made on the 14th July on the state of our rivers including the River Wye
Low Energy Bulbs
One of the easiest things we all can do to make our homes more energy efficient, save money and cut our energy bills is to switch all our light bulbs to LED bulbs. Here’s why: LEDs can help you save lots of energy compared to the old incandescent bulbs. They use 75% less electricity. They last 25 times longer. They emit less heat (incandescent bulbs release 90% of their energy as heat). AND you are helping to save the planet!