Projects we think would make a difference to the climate emergency and to our biodiversity, mainly focused how we can help support wildlife and our ecology, were reviewed. We thought about the wilder areas we already have - around the Great Barn and especially the nearby pond, the remembrance garden next to the church and the wildflower area in the Village Park. What are the management plans for these areas and how can we support them to be as vibrant and wildlife friendly as possible? We thought more about a Community Orchard and where this might be.
We are making connections with agencies that support Community energy projects. We would like to positively contribute to affordable heating and electricity for the whole village.
Latest tips!
Recycle old razor blades and razors!
The razor blade manufacturer Gillette is offering a free razor recycling service — and they’ll accept any make or style. Go to their website: and enter your name and address and they’ll periodically send you stamped-addressed padded envelopes Pop the used blades in and post them off and they’ll do the rest. There are full details on their web-site.
It’s one small thing, but it's the small things that add up and can make a difference.