Now that Ian has relocated to Cambridge, the PCC wants to ensure that the work that has been done is not undone and that the garden continues to develop. Funding regular maintenance of the garden is not possible as we are always aware that our scarce resources are needed to maintain the fabric of the building. We therefore need to minimise the outlay on the garden by doing as much of the ongoing work ourselves.
The current steering committee consists of Lindsay O'Kelly (Ian's daughter), Peter Gale, Mike Heathcoat, the vicar and the churchwardens, who are hoping to establish a list of volunteers who would be willing occasionally to lend a hand in the garden. The idea is that when one of the members of the steering committee is going to be working in the garden an email can go out to this list of volunteers to ask whether any of them could spare an hour or two (no more) to join them. In this way we can maintain and develop the garden.
We would be grateful for any help you can give. If you are able and willing to be included on such a list, please let one of the steering committee have your email address (or phone number).
Many thanks, Pat
Patricia Cook, Churchwarden
01367 241632. [email protected]