Last October the Parish Council asked residents to raise any particular traffic concerns they had in the Village.
One suggestion that has been raised on a number of occasions is the introduction of a 20mph zone through the Village.
Ordinarily this would cost residents in the region of £4,500 to achieve, however, the Parish Council was aware that OCC intended to change its policy to make implementation of 20mph zones free to residents. OCC have now budgeted for this change.
The Parish Council has therefore made an ‘expression of interest’ application to OCC for a 20mph zone in the Village. Please note a full consultation with residents will be carried out by OCC and therefore nothing has been decided at this stage.
Inevitably the uptake across the County will be high and OCC’s budget is limited, therefore OCC have asked the Parish Council to demonstrate initial support from the community.
OCC have said they “anticipate strong demand and the better communities can demonstrate that they’ve consulted their residents the easier it is for us to factor that into the decision-making process”.
Please therefore take a minute to complete the Yes/No survey on the link below.
The survey will be open until the end of Wednesday 30th March 2022.