South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils are preparing a joint Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI sets out how they will consult on planning applications and planning policy, including the joint Local Plan. They want to make it as easy as possible for people to get involved in the planning process, so they’re asking you about their draft SCI. It contains details of how they plan to work positively and proactively with their communities to ensure people's voices are heard and sets out how they plan to make sure you can access the right information as easily and early as possible to help you come to your own conclusions. Once adopted the joint SCI will replace the existing South Oxfordshire SCI and the Vale of White Horse SCI.
You can give your comments on the draft Statement of Community Involvement from Wednesday 8 September until midnight on Wednesday 20 October 2021 by completing a survey:
Before completing the survey you can read through the draft Statement of Community Involvement linked on the same page. You can also provide your comments and upload any supporting documents using a link at the end of the survey.
If you have any questions on the SCI, please contact the planning policy team on [email protected] or call 01235 422600.
If you have any questions on the survey or require it in an alternative format (for example large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages) please email [email protected] or call 01235 422425.
Personal details?
If you are responding as an individual, you are not required to provide your name or contact details. Any personal information you provide to the council within your comments that could identify you will not be published in the summary report. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation or agent, they ask you to provide its name - the summary report will include this information. Further information on data protection is available in their general consultations privacy statement.
Next steps
After the consultation period ends, the district council will consider your comments and make appropriate changes to the SCI before they adopt it. Once adopted, which they expect to happen in December 2021, the revised SCI, along with a consultation statement and a consultation summary report, will be published on the South and Vale websites shortly afterwards.
You can view the draft SCI here: the survey form here:
This is an opportunity to tell VWHDC Planning what we think of their processes and how they might be improved if necessary. We rely on the district council's support for our updated neighbourhood plan policies when considering planning applications in the parish. You can access a link to the neighbourhood plan on our website,