Before making this change, the matter was carefully discussed by the Parish Councillors at the public Parish Council meetings held in the Parish Room on 12th September 2016 and 14th November 2016. (The minutes of those meetings can be obtained here). In addition, two extra-ordinary Council meetings were held on 5th September 2016 and 5th December 2016. (Again, the reports of those meetings will be posted on the parish website).
The decision was taken to raise the Precept because the Council has become aware that over the next few years there will be some very large maintenance and repair costs for the village play park and Parish Room. Funds must be available to meet these costs. In recent years monies raised by village fund-raising initiatives (Monthly Teas, Christmas Fair, Artweeks etc.) have been used for the running costs of the park and Parish Room. Unfortunately, these funds alone will not to be large enough to meet these anticipated costs.
The Council and Officers understand that this increase may have caused concern amongst Parishioners. We strive to provide good, well-maintained and safe facilities for the benefit of parishioners and always seek the best value-for-money when ordering goods and services. We would like to reassure everyone that we will continue to do so.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please come along to our bi-monthly public Parish Council meetings. The next one is at 7.30pm on Monday 8th of May 2017 in the Parish Room.