We are pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Maureen Turner as our new House for Duty Priest in the Badbury Benefice.
Maureen was one of the first women priests to be ordained in 1994 and undertook ten years of full-time parish ministry before moving into healthcare chaplaincy for twenty-one years. She is currently the lead chaplain to the States of Jersey’s 300-bed General Hospital, psychiatric, psycho-geriatric and substance abuse services over ten sites spread throughout the island. Maureen is responsible for a team of lay and ordained chaplains from the Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities. While in this role, she has also been able to offer regular support to local churches, preaching and presiding at Sunday and weekday services and taking baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Maureen presented at interview as an extremely personable, honest and spiritual priest whose clear strength lies in pastoral ministry. She is happy to lead services using either Common Worship or BCP, as well as the more creative family services where appropriate.
Maureen and her husband Derek, a retired priest, enjoy choral singing, walking, social fundraising events, theatre and concerts.
We will be welcoming Maureen to the Benefice at the end of October.