To stay safe residents should follow this advice on Covid-19 related scams, which you should read and understand too. Residents can also receive regular updates about potential scams in their area by signing up to Thames Valley Alert Community Messaging.
Please could we ask you to be extra-vigilant as you’re likely to hear about scams during your work with community groups. If you do hear of anything suspicious, contact the police on 111.
Supporting the vulnerable
If you have been shopping for neighbours or family members who are vulnerable, elderly or self-isolating, please continue to do so. The government says you are allowed to leave your home to provide care or to help a vulnerable person. Just be careful to follow the usual guidance about washing your hands and keeping a safe distance from others. Where possible, it is sensible to leave the shopping on the doorstep for them rather than handing it to them directly.
Support for shops and businesses that have now closed
Many of our shops and other businesses have either closed or will be closing following the announcement last night that all but essential businesses need to do this.
If you know of or are contacted by anyone whose business or shop has been forced to shut, please remember to direct them to our South & Vale Business Support website. We already have lots of helpful information on there and our staff are working hard to ensure it is up to date each time the government provides more detail about the help available.