- Planting additional wildflowers – to attract insects and birds
- Planting up further wildlife friendly species, such as hawthorn, blackthorn, crab apple, and wayfaring trees
- Making nest boxes for birds, bats, and insects
- Installing nest boxes
- Planting a Tree for the Queen’s Jubilee (to be dedicated on Friday 3rd June at 11am).
Lindsay is organising the volunteers and they meet for the first time this Saturday 26th March in the Garden at 9.30 am – 12.30. More volunteers are welcome to come along to this or at a future date. Please contact Lindsay if you would like to volunteer.
The Committee are happy to receive further donations for the purchase of plants and other items for the garden, including: information boards and nest boxes for birds, bats and bees. Contact Pat if you wish to donate.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported this development which will be of benefit to villagers and visitors alike for years to come.
Committee Contact Details
Volunteers - Lindsay O’Kelly
[email protected]
Donations - Pat Cook
[email protected]
Planning - Anne Hamling (formerly Hardcastle)
[email protected]
Rev Maureen Turner
[email protected]