We are emailing to invite you to have your say on proposed changes to the conservation area in Great Coxwell as you have been identified as an important stakeholder.
What is a conservation area?
The village’s conservation area is the designated area of special architectural or historic interest which exists to protect the features and characteristics that make Great Coxwell a historic, unique and distinctive place.
Why are we reviewing the conservation area?
It is a requirement that all councils coordinate and publish appraisals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas and that these proposals are reviewed from time to time.
This is the first comprehensive Conservation Area Appraisal document that has been produced for Great Coxwell. The document has been authored by the Great Coxwell neighbourhood plan team. We have a statutory duty to consult the public on this new document before it is adopted.
Have your say as part of our review process
As part of the review process, we are now inviting comments on the proposed changes to the Great Coxwell Conservation Area Appraisal document.
You can find out more information about the review on our website.
How to comment
We are inviting your comments on the Great Coxwell Conservation Area Appraisal document during an eight-week consultation period which runs from Wednesday 6 April until 11.59pm Wednesday 1 June.
The quickest and easiest way to comment is to use our online comment form.
Note that this is a unique link just for you and is tied to your email address. If you would like to forward this message to anybody else, please refer them to the public link to the survey.
What happens next
After the consultation period ends, we will consider your comments and make appropriate changes to the draft document and boundary revision before we proceed to adopt it via the council’s cabinet process. Once adopted, we will publish the cabinet report, new conservation area appraisal document and adopted revised boundary on our website.
We look forward to hearing your views.
Kind regards
Boris van der Ree
Conservation Enquiry Officer
Vale of White Horse District Council
If you need support to access the consultation materials, have any queries about the survey form or require it in an alternative format (for example: large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read or alternative languages) please email
[email protected] or call 01235 422600.
Data protection: Please refer to our planning consultations privacy statement regarding how your personal data is used for this consultation, available on the consultation page of our website. If you would like to know more about the council’s data protection registration or to find out about your personal data, please visit our website.