The Journey to Bethlehem - Christmas Eve, 5.30 – 6.30 PM
Once again, the Crib Scene, courtesy of the National Trust, will be in the Great Barn from December 15th until January 6th
This year:
We will hold, for the younger members of the village and village families, our usual Journey to Bethlehem and Carol Service.
The plan is for the village, with children in the lead, to collect at Pear Tree Farm at the lower end of the village at 5.30pm on Christmas Eve.
There will be a Mary and a Joseph, with Donkey/Pony. This group, led by the Vicar, will move slowly up the village towards the Barn, knocking on some doors to see if there is room to stay. If your door is chosen, please suggest that they may be lucky further up the village.
On arrival at the Great Barn at around 6.00pm, there will be an informal ecumenical carol service, led by the Vicar and aimed at the children. The proceeds of the door collection at the end of the service will be shared between the Church and a children’s charity in Chennai (Madras), South India.
Safety Considerations
Parents are specially requested to ensure that children stay in illuminated areas and, at the Great Barn, to keep well away from the Pond. Electric lanterns and torches (but no naked flames please) would be useful and atmospheric for the procession and at the Barn. There will be very limited parking in the lay-by at the Barn for those who find it essential to park there.
The Council and Police have arranged for the two roads into the village to be closed from 5.15pm to 6.00pm during the procession.
All Great Coxwell villagers are welcome to join in this Christmas Celebration. We hope to see you join the procession at Pear Tree Farm or on the way to the Barn .
AND: If you wish to attend Midnight Mass, it will be held in St Giles Church at 11.30 pm.
Villagers attending the event are advised to ensure that their homes, in their absence, are properly secured.