What an amazing display of cakes was a comment frequently heard.so well done all you talented cake makers.
For all of you that helped in our Pop Up Café we couldn't do it without you.
The weather was kind and we took an amazing £2600. From this we have a few expenses to deduct such as the hire of the Reading Room and we pay half of the cost for the Artists exhibiting. This will still leave us with a very healthy profit of over £2000.
All the money raised goes to the Community Fund. This in the past has enabled us to amongst others to buy new chairs for the Reading Room and a new carpet for the Church.
It has subsidised both the Queen's Jubilee and the Coronation for which the whole village was invited to a party in the Barn. A very nominal amount was charged ( to enable us to have an idea of numbers) with the rest coming out of the Community Fund.
This is your money, raised by the villagers so if you would like help to set up anything within the Village, please contact a member of the Committee- Annabelle, Pam, Pauline, Steve or Sylvia.
Many Thanks