Now is the perfect time to declutter for the summer months plus make some money into the bargain. Admit it, we all have just a little bit too much ‘stuff’. So take this opportunity put those unloved or little used items to one side and sell them from the comfort of your front drive in June.
We will be holding a Garage Sale on Sunday 11th June to coincide with the wonderful Village Teas. A map will be available of all the houses participating in the sale. So after a cuppa and a cake people can wander around our lovely village and grab themselves a bargain. All those taking part are invited to donate half their proceeds to the Church and Park Fund. So it is a win-win all round.
We have set up a What’s App group, if anyone wants more information. Or you can email or call me direct if you have not yet indicated your interest in taking part:
07508 443234
[email protected]