A huge thank you to all who worked so hard to make our Harvest Festival so successful this year, to Jenny and Brenda for the beautiful flower arrangements and to all those who brought flowers, fruit, vegetables and 'store cupboard' items to decorate the church and support our worthy causes.
The range of tins and packets we received covered everything from pasta and tinned tomatoes to pet food (something difficult to afford on a limited budget). We took it all to the Food Bank in Faringdon on Monday and they asked us to add their heartfelt thanks to you all for such a sizeable donation.
The fresh fruit and vegetables went to the Baptist Church to help with the lunches they provide for the elderly. They too were very grateful for your generosity.
In addition, we had a good congregation to give thanks for what we have and to raise their voices in the well-known hymns.
So thank you all again.
Our next service will be at 6pm next Sunday, 24th September. We would be pleased for you to join us at our services at any time.
New carpet
Have you been into the church to see the new carpet which has made such a difference to the aisle? If not, please do. We have to thank the Village Fund for donating the funds to us for this.
Contemplation Garden
There will be a working party on Saturday, 14th October, putting the garden to bed for the winter and adding some more bulbs to welcome the spring next year. If you feel you would like to come and help, please contact Lindsay on [email protected].
Friends of St Giles
The setting up of a Friends of St Giles is making progress. When formed its first priority will be to raise funds to renovate part of the south facing roof which has been giving trouble in the last few years. You will be hearing more when it is up and running, so watch this space!