If you would like to use the centralised pick up for repeat prescriptions, the arrangements will be as follows:
- Book your prescription in Advance with your Surgery.
- Inform them that a Volunteer from the Great Coxwell Support Group will collect (as per the day below).
- If you can - Email Mandy Burns on [email protected] with full name of prescription holder, address, the EMIS number and date/day when Prescription is due to be ready and which Surgery.
- If you do not have Internet but would like to use this facility, please contact your Volunteer from the Support Group who will be able to assist. Otherwise call Mandy Burns on 01367 240142.
- The aim will be to collect Repeat Prescriptions late morning.
- Faringdon - every Wednesday.
- Shrivenham - every Thursday.
- Delivery. The collected prescription will be delivered to your front door and left on the step around lunchtime of that day.
If you have an emergency prescription (that Is not part of the repeat prescription ), please contact Mandy Burns on 01367 240142 and she will arrange for collection.
Best regards,
Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.