Dear all,
I hope you are having a good summer in the UK, if you were lucky enough to get a way, I hope your travelling went smoothly and you returned safely and without problems. After 18 months of silence we are able to start up Stonevale concerts again. For the first one only, we will be part of the Great Barn Festival, here in Great Coxwell. It will be quite special, as Piano Gallery offered to move one of my grand pianos to the Barn so I can play on a 'proper' piano. I am playing with a wonderful Austrian violinist, Sebastian Mueller. There were quite a few cancelled concerts because of Covid, so this is quite a celebration for us as well. We are doing a wonderful programme, including Beethoven, Brahms, Wieniawski and Bazzini, and we might even throw in "Ladies of Lavender" for those of you who saw the movie. From October, concerts will resume at Stonevale again and will be free as before, with the usual donation box. I have already secured some fantastic performers for the next few months. Underneath are the posters as well as the details of how to book. This has to be booked online because of Covid regulations, but if any of you find this tricky, please call Ainslie Williams, her details are also below, and she will do it very quickly for you. With best wishes, Lynette for programme and ticket links @GreatBarnFestival Facebook like and share for updates [email protected] email for village or friend discounts, group bookings or multiple performance bookings Tel 07774459046 Ainslie Williams for any enquiries. Update on our projects
Solar Streets - have been taken up and supported by Faringdon Town Council and through them we have got involved. A leaflet will be posted through everyone's door and a banner is to go up on the Reading Room railings - thank you to Jacqui for ok-ing this. Greener Great Coxwell don’t endorse Solar Streets but we thought the village might be interested in it. There is a Zoom Q & A session soon. We would be interested to know what parishioners think of solar panels on roofs in the village? Is there any strong opinion out there? Sustainable heating/energy source - it has been a slow month. We are waiting for Rural Communities Energy Fund to get back to us about commissioning a feasibility study. We have been in touch with Heating Upper Heyford who are a community group looking into a very similar project to ours. Pond at the Great Barn - Colin is doing water quality tests every two weeks. The contractor has been and sprayed the pennywort. Colin has seen newts and fish in the water and 5 species of dragonfly. Going forward the margins of the pond will be replanted. The National Trust have mown paths around the Great Barn. The long grass will be cut on the 17th September and help with raking from the parish would be appreciated. Footpaths - Andy Cato will mow them asap. Community Orchard - NT are looking into a potential piece of land for us. Remembrance Garden - next to the graveyard. Anne is looking into funding for finishing off the garden working with the original plan, Maureen Turner, our vicar, and with Lindsay O'Kelly’s father, Ian Burn. Park - the plan is to stick to mowing the wild area at end August and rake up the long cut grass. Sow yellow rattle seed into the soil. As a few of the original trees have died what would we like to replace them maybe with trees specifically for the Queen’s Canopy (a jubilee initiative) Great Barn Festival - we have been kindly offered a 3x3 ft table at the event so we will be there. Next meeting September 2 at 8pm 2021. Is there a source of grants to insulate homes of those struggling to finance it themselves? A scheme has just launched in Oxfordshire to fund 100% of the cost of insulation to retrofit homes in fuel poverty. The property needs to have an EPC rating of a D, E, F or G with a household income of under £30,000. If you don’t have an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) one can be sorted. The fund is open until September 2021 (courtesy of central government) so if you know of any residents in the village (or anywhere in Oxfordshire) who might be eligible please put them in touch with the National Energy Foundation - Also, you can call Better Housing Better Health on 0800 038 6030. The free phone line is open from 9 – 5 Monday to Friday (exc. bank holidays) or alternatively email [email protected] with your full name, address and phone number after which one of our advisors will give you a call. It may also be possible for a household income to be in excess of £30,000 and still eligible for funding where the household composition means that incomes are stretched amongst many dependent children. If you would like to be considered on this basis please also contact the scheme using the details above. Funding is available for energy efficiency improvements such as loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and heating system replacements through the ECO scheme. Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. This funding is available for vulnerable households. This has been defined as a household that is receiving income-related benefits, or has a low overall household income and a resident with a vulnerability to the cold. Vulnerabilities can include suffering from a long-term health condition, being in receipt of a non-means tested benefit or living in a property that has a low energy performance’. How to switch to a green renewable energy source. This is a simple step to take. If we all switched, then energy companies would have to generate more energy renewably to meet demand. The Energy Saving Trust is an independent organisation working to address the climate emergency Postie Paul was our postman for over 17 years and is well known and loved in the village. He is the gold standard of perfect posties. He knows everyone, is super friendly, he is loved by all our dogs. We are so sad that he is leaving us and we will miss him enormously. We are all sorry that in future he will not be delivering to Great Coxwell. If you would like to contribute to a collection for Paul, you can do so on line at (which has been set up by Steve McNally for this particular collection). If you would prefer to give cash in an envelope, please deliver it to Pam Smith (240233) at Rosemary Cottage or Sylvia Athawes (241179) at Hollycroft or give us a call and we can pick it up.
Also there is a card in the phone box anyone can sign. It will be there till SUNDAY. Ever thought of installing Solar Panels? With the wholesale cost of natural gas has rising by 50% over the last 6 months and the UK Government energy regulator announcing an increase in energy costs by up to £139 extra per year, perhaps now is the time to look again. This could help with the sustainable energy transformation, reduce electricity costs, improve fuel security and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Greener Great Coxwell has agreed to help publicise the Solar Streets Faringdon+ initiative. This gives residents the opportunity to consider an economical offer of a basic solar energy installation (, made possible by combining with other local groups. Residents should receive a leaflet explaining the project over the weekend. We cannot endorse this initiative ourselves but it has been supported by many local councils other than Faringdon including; Didcot, Wallingford and Henley. You are invited to join a Launch Presentation and Q&A Zoom session next Tuesday, 10th August at 7-8 pm, when you will be able to question the experts and find out more about the technology. Please see a copy of the leaflet below or download it here. Ken Hirons Great Coxwell plans their first ever Scarecrow Trail and Café.
Save the Day: Sunday, 24th October 2021 We need lots of scarecrows; anyone who would like to make one or get together with a neighbour or friend to make one, please reply to [email protected] to register your interest. The Scarecrow can be anything, from the traditional Worzel Gummidge and Aunt Sally to a Spaceman or any character you choose. More details of this event will follow. The speaker will be Alison Rees who has spent 16 years in Zambia “Living the African Dream”. Alison has worked on reservations and has had the opportunity to follow her wildlife photographic interests and conservation passion. She has been involved in the Serengeti Cheetah project, learning about individual cheetahs. The talk will include many photos, especially of cheetahs but also information about Alison’s conservation and community work.
The District Council has taken the difficult decision to suspend our garden waste collections.
Full details and explanation here. Good morning/afternoon
This email is a difficult one for me to be writing. As of Monday 9th August I will no longer be your postman due to a resignation at Royal Mail Faringdon. A friend/colleague with seniority over me has signed for this duty. To say I'm gutted is an understatement as this has been my round for 17 years and you are all far more than a job to me and I will miss you all. I would like to thank everyone for their kindness humour and friendship and I wish you all, all the best Take care Ex Postie Paul |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |