If you have any ideas of stalls you would like to see or run please get in touch. If you have any brainwaves about games you would like to play or organise also get in touch.
Stalls we have thought of so far: Lucky Dip, Tombola, Bottle Stall, Count the Candy, Produce Stall, Cake Stall
Games on the Cards, Splat the Rat, Skittles, Coconut Shy, Tin Can Alley, Lucky Egg, Hook the Swimming Duck, Tug of War and lots of Children’s games, etc.
Teas, Pims, Ice Lollies.
As you can imagine, we need as many helpers as possible on stalls, on games, setting up and setting down. If you can help, please get in contact or talk to Pauline and Mike, Jacqui, Annabelle, Pat or Laurie.
It should be great fun! And we hope to raise money for the Church, Park and Reading Room. And last thing : please put this date in your diaries.