To date 41 replies have been received. Of these, 26 people would like to see the ringing of the bells restored. 32 people indicated that they would support fund-raising if the project went ahead, 17 would give a one-off donation (although of course we have no indication of how much this might be) and 16 would make a regular pledge.
This was very disappointing as we had been hoping to better be able to gauge the feelings of the whole village, and we would not consider going ahead with the project on this basis. However, as some replies have continued to trickle in, we have decided to extend the deadline until the end of March, especially as some people may have missed the recent reminder.
May we ask you please to consider returning your questionnaire to either the Vicar, David Williams; the Churchwardens , Mike Heathcoat and Chris Fielding; or the Treasurer to the PCC, Pat Cook. If you have mislaid or destroyed the original letter you can get a replacement from Pat on 241632. Just give her a call and she will deliver one to you. We would greatly welcome any more completed questionnaires.
Please, please let us have yours!