"The Village Community Fund
The group came about because of the great success of the Artweeks cafe and plant sale. In previous years the Artweeks group consisted mainly of village artists but as the years have gone on the demographic has changed and now less than 10% of the artists come from the village. So, where in the past the decision as to who benefitted from the proceeds of the Artweeks Cafe and plant sale was made by the artists, now we need people who know the village and its needs to make that decision.
The group consists of Pam Smith, Pauline Durham, Sylvia Athawes, Annabelle Zinovieff and Steve McNally. The people in the group have been chosen to reflect different groups in the village in the hope that all interested parties have a voice.
Our aim is to decide year on year where the money goes from the profit from Artweeks. This is kept flexible. One year all the money might go to one needy cause only. It is the group’s decision. Key to the decision is that money is to be spent in the village.
Our aspirations are that the Village Fund will enable more to happen in the village, more people to get involved and the assets the village will be improved or added to. If you have an idea, want some money to start up a village project, a sports group, a social group or can think of something the village needs, please get in touch with any of the group named above."