The current energy crisis has highlighted the need for the UK to move towards a secure, decarbonised energy system. To achieve this, carbon emissions from buildings need to be reduced to a minimum and the replacement of gas-fired heating systems with low carbon heating is vital.
What is Greener Great Coxwell Energy Group doing?
Greener Great Coxwell Energy Group is investigating decarbonising our heating systems by using low carbon technologies and replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy. We have contracted Locogen to explore the feasibility of installing a low carbon heating scheme within the village of Great Coxwell, as well as the potential opportunities for renewable energy generation in the surrounding area to produce clean electricity for the village.
What can you do?
We’re asking residents of Great Coxwell to complete this survey and help us collect energy consumption data. This information will allow us to carry out detailed energy modelling and costing exercises to generate financial and carbon assessments of the preferred energy system(s). It’s the first step towards a more secure, cleaner energy future for Great Coxwell.
Many thanks for those of you who have replied to the survey. We now have over 40 responses if you can please complete the energy survey at : we need Energy use figures to model demand.
Thank you
Greener Great Coxwell
mail: [email protected]
Greener Great Coxwell Limited is registered in England as a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.
Registration number: 8761