Please see the four announcements below from the Parish Council.
1. Great Coxwell Parish Council is still looking for one more Parish councillor, we have been one member short for some months now and we need your help to enable us to keep the village amenities like the Park and the Reading Room operating.
Please feel free to chat informally to any of the existing councillors (Jacqui Russell, Mike Harris, Rory Gilmour and Kym MacDonald) about the role or email the clerk ([email protected]) for more details.
Click here for full details.
2. Great Coxwell Parish Council is looking for a volunteer to run the Reading Room bookings. The Parish Room is mainly let to villagers and village groups. We need someone to hold the calendar and make sure everyone using the room has all the necessary information and access when required. For more details please contact the Parish clerk ([email protected])
3. The Vale of the White Horse is surveying the needs for future leisure facilities in the area in response to housing growth. The Parish Council has been invited to meet with them and Faringdon Town Council to gain an understanding of local needs. We understand that there will be a future opportunity for individual comment but if you have anything you would like to bear in mind when we meet please let us know.
As present we will base our points on responses we have had from previous surveys of the Parish, comments from residents and past experience, we intend to raise the follow three main points:
- There is a lack of free to access facilities for secondary school age children that permit self-directed play and exercise in the area. In addition to supporting the existing facilities of this kind such as the Great Coxwell MUGA and the Faringdon skate park, there is a need for additions on site, or at least close to, the new developments to ensure these existing facilities are not overburdened and that the young people through the area are properly served. Specific concerns have been raised by residents in past discussions that the existing facilities can not cope and that lack of provision of such facilities and places to go will lead to increases in anti-social behaviour.
- There is a lack of larger more exciting play spaces for primary age children. The new developments each included a small local play area, but the lack of something larger and more exciting serving the group of developments within easy distance leads to residents using cars to visit more distant facilities. Investment in larger more varied play spaces to serve the group of developments is needed to avoid increased traffic and parking issues around existing facilities of this type. Great Coxwell Parish Council has had residents raise issues regarding safety and obstruction due to parking by the Great Coxwell park, which is a larger mixed age play facility for example and express concerns that this will increase.
- There are limited free to access or non-membership options for adult leisure. In past surveys the desire for publicly availably adult fitness equipment or trails and drop in tennis facilities were noted as lacking in the area.
4. We are sorry that the Reading Room remains closed, just to let you know that we need to replace the boiler and attend to the plumbing in the toilets to make it fit for use again. We hope it will be up and running again before the end of the month and will keep you posted.