Is it easy to gain access to your garden? Have you got secure gates that can only be unlocked from inside the garden?
Have you got CCTV that covers access points to your property?
Are your sheds secure or can offenders easily remove tools that can be used to break into your property?
Please also look out for your neighbours. If you hear strange noises investigate them and if you see any suspicious vehicles or people you believe are scouting premises or looking to commit crime please report it to us by calling 999 - we need the best chance to catch these criminals.
Please download the Home Security Guide from our Website here which gives you advice on looking at your home through the eyes of a burglar and making sure doors and windows are secure. There is also advice on CCTV, property marking, distraction burglaries and digital security (social media etc).
If you would like any further advice please contact the Faringdon Neighbourhood Policing team by emailing [email protected]