Our builders, GWBS, are returning to start the second part of our building project this week. This part is nothing like as daunting as the big roof, so you should not see anything like the size or number of vehicles visiting. However, as before, if anyone does feel inconvenienced or bothered by anything here, please come and find either myself or Lynette (at least one of us will be here during work days) and we will do our best to sort it out quickly.
The Parish Council are looking to co-opt a new member It is your chance to make a difference by having a say about local issues, representing the views of Parishioners and getting involved for the benefit of the community. If you would like to be considered, please send CV/Letter of interest to the Clerk. Deadline for applications: 1st September 2021 For further information, please contact the Clerk or Chair Jacqui Russell. [email protected] [email protected] https://www.greatcoxwell.com/parish-council.html Full details can be found here The following documents have been added to the website:
Parish Council Meeting Minutes - July 5th 2021 District Councillor Report - July 2021 Schedule of Special Appointments After considerable debate the committee has decided with great regret and prudence NOT to hold a summer party in August. The general feeling was that there would be some reluctance to attend any large social event this summer. No other meeting in August will be held.
Plans for a meeting in person with a speaker at the Corn Exchange in September are being made at present, and will be published at the end of the month. Special refreshments will be provided. Faringdon Town Council are happy to announce that the Regent Cinema will open its doors again in September 2021. It's great to be able to offer a community cinema once again for the residents of Faringdon and surrounding villages.
Message from Malcolm, Kirsty, Fiona and Claire Watters
Thankfully it appears that COVID restrictions are lifting. We are holding a memorial service for Emma in Great Coxwell Church at 2:30pm on Saturday 24th July followed by afternoon tea at the Sudbury house hotel. It would be lovely to see some of our Great Coxwell friends there to help celebrate Emma’s life. To get an idea on numbers we would be grateful if you could let us know by email to [email protected] if you would like to come. Many thanks Malcolm, Kirsty, Fiona and Claire There are bee orchids and a pyramidal orchids in the village , if any one is interested I will show them.
Andrew Whiting 07885495239 The Great Coxwell sustainability group has been renamed 'Greener Great Coxwell’
Summary of the 4th meeting of Greener Great Coxwell, 3rd June 2021 Chowle Farm Plot - We raised £60,000 for the auction but the bidding went up to £116,000 and we were unsuccessful. There was no charge for registering to bid or bidding. All the money pledged has been returned. The purchaser is a company called Hunter and Smoakes who are into charcoal production. We have been in contact with them and they are aware that we represent the environmental interests of the village. We will keep in touch with them and are hoping to build a future relationship and work them when it comes to the future management of the land. We talked about setting up a legal framework for the group with a bank account and accountability. It was thought this was unnecessary at his stage but once bigger projects with financial implications are underway we will need to revisit this. We discussed a parish survey to give us a cleared picture of people's concerns, what help they would like, and what ‘green’ aspirations they had. Projects:
Compost bins and water butts: Oxfordshire County Council use this company - link below, to offer advice and sell kit for composting. The large compost bins are £20 for the 1st one and half price for for the second. You can also buy timber flat packed compost boxes from around £45. Or you can easily make them from pallets or just make a heap! https://getcomposting.com/en-gb/ There are so many great birds to choose from this month. Take a walk across Siberia and you’ll surely hear the skylarks. It’s no wonder that their song is world-famous. It’s beautiful and it’s tireless. The larks launch into the air before the sun is up and each song flight can last for several minutes. Luckily, they can breathe and sing at the same time! But the one to really take a moment to listen for is the corn bunting. Corn bunting populations have crashed in recent years, so we’re lucky to have them in Coxwell. Their song is like a jangling of keys, slow and then faster. There’s often one sitting on the wire above the solitary bush by the path. Hope you enjoy it. |
February 2025
AuthorThis site is run by the parishioners of Great Coxwell for the benefit of everyone. Please submit information, ideas and comments so that the site can be developed to best effect. |